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Who are the three greatest catchers in Dodgers history? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 9,135

  • Gred revello - 7 years ago

    This list and ratings are a small sample size clearly is merely a popularity contest. Piazza only made the Hall because of carrer hr' total, he was othereise amediocre defensively. This is aside the fact he's an arrogant jerk. And thee worst hof representstive of all time.

  • Martin Mangione - 14 years ago

    Roy Campanella was a three time MVP in the 1950's when the league was loaded with talented future hall-of-famers. No other catcher in the history of the game has wond three MVP's. He ranks as one of the greatest catchers of all time. That he wore a Dodger uniform makes it sweeter. He is the class of this group and any other group by a mile. As good as Mike Scioscia was, which was very, very good, Campy's acomplishments makes Mike a distant second. That leaves Roseboro as third. Learn your history and you will see that even considering anyone else is a waste of time.

  • robert feinberg - 14 years ago

    i had the pleasure of watching roy campanella in ebbets field..believeme he was the greatest ,better than bench

  • Robert Homans - 14 years ago

    I went for the 3 with the longest tenures, Campy, Roseboro and Scioscia. I am a Giants fan, and unfortunately Roseboro always feasted on Giants' pitching. Go Giants!

  • Michael Green - 14 years ago

    Until we know for sure that Piazza used steroids while with the Dodgers, he should be ranked at whatever level he deserves. More important, I am glad to see that the top vote-getter is the choice who, sadly, never played in Los Angeles and deserves to be the top choice. That Roy Campanella is the greatest catcher in Dodger history should be undisputed. I confess I struggled between Piazza and John Roseboro for my third choice, after Campy and Scioscia.

  • Jim Mcveigh - 14 years ago

    Hands down PIAZZA!!!!! Remember This guy is the only catcher in history that was a triple crown threat. Not only best Dodger catcher , but best ever! He played in the airport known as Chavez
    Ravine. then he played in Miami, not known for long balls , shea ditto, the new San Diego Park,ditto and Oakland same. If he played in Cincinatti wher the supposedly God was the catcher, with hardly any foul territority behind home plate, and the extemeely short fences and astro turf he would have at least ten more points on his batting average and probably fifty plus more home runs. Johnny Bench admitted on tv just recently that when Cincy won their World Series titles that his team came in LAST IN ERA! In fact no Cincy pitcher ever led the league in era or won a cy young award, only Seaver and he did that in pitcher`s ballbark(SHEA). As it is he out hit God by over FIFTY points and had more home runs in SEVEN HUNDRED LESS At Bats. And remember there is only one catcher that got into the hall of fame on fielding only, Roger Bresnahan. These guys are in the hall,not for their glove but for their bat. Only two catchers in history hav a higher life time batting average than PIAZZA and Piazza Hit MORE HOMERUNS THAN BOTH OF THEM COMBINED ( Cochrane and Dickey). How many home runs would any of these guys hit if they had to play in the pitcher ball parks, AND PIAZZA was tested for STEROIDS and he was CLEAN! Please excuse spelling and english

  • Scott - 14 years ago

    I never heard anything about Piazza being on steroids. Campanella, Scoscia and Piazza

  • WOW - 14 years ago

    How does Steroid Piazza Get top votes! What a slap to the face!! Its Obviously Scoscia, Campy, and Roseboro!!

  • tom edwards - 14 years ago

    some pretty good players on that list. can't rank a 1,2 and 3 (can't only vote for three - which i did). but breaking it down,
    campy #1 - not even close
    piazza #2 -- on number alone -- defensively not a top three -- but those numbers were sick
    took yeager over scoscia -- but that's truly a toss up
    roseboro follows closely

    my vote for coolest name by a dodger catcher? tacks latimer -- hands down

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