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The White House and Congress are at battle over the nation's debt ceiling; what should they do?

Total Votes: 111

  • JAB - 13 years ago

    PUSH POLL! Poses the question in a way many people would feel sympathetic to White House plan taxes the rich and oppose Republican plan which cuts services to needy! LoHud, you can do better!

  • Bryan - 13 years ago

    A clean debt limit increase is optimal just like Boehner, Cantor, McConnell and Kyl did 19 times combined during the Bush administartion adding 4 trillion to the debt. The hypocricy is sickening. This vote is to pay for the irresponsible tax cuts and wars charged during the Bush years with an ugly helping of massive recession brought on by reckless financial institutions and no regulatory oversight. They should pay for their own spending instead of holding us hostage like economic terrorists! The optimal solution to the deficit is to return to budget levels of 2001 before the Bush nightmare began by mainly cutting Defense and security spending, ending the tax cuts, and letting health care reform work to reduce the growth in entitlement spending. Discretionary non-security has been roughly flat for the last 10 years and is not a driver of these massive deficits. The People's Budget proposed by the Progressive Causcus has it about right.

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