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What new features do you want us to add to Connections system first?

Total Votes: 1,177

  • Munish Ahuja - 13 years ago

    Great feature introduced by easyhits4u... like it...

  • OldPro - 13 years ago

    Hmmm. A comment list attached to a site Definitely would be a bonus to the advertiser. Great Idea! As long as chat can be turned off and on, I don't mind. I would mostly rather surf and check out the opps.

  • Mel - 13 years ago

    I think adding a "comments/feedback" feature would be a fantastic idea! That kind of social feature will help put more focuss on the sites being shown, and also give site owners an opportunity to learn what response they are getting and make improvements if needed. it would also be a great way to make surfing EH4U more active and fun.. Having said that, I think chat here would be a mistake, I know that chat is fun, and I enjoy chat on TE's, but this particular TE is veery special, and above and beyond the countless others, I get great results here, & i fear chat would only be a distraction from the sites being shown, whereas site feedback would only improve focus, whilst still be a social feature too.. Dont become like everyone else, please stay unique EH4U.. This is the top TE by a mile and I really hope it stays that way :)


  • Virginia - 13 years ago

    I love how clean the surf page is at the moment and while I would love to see a chat, I think it would be nice to have the chat as a pop-up option. So then one can enter and leave as they chose without cluttering anything.

  • Dean - 13 years ago


    I think chat window will degrade the quality of traffic.
    the advertiser will not get a maximal view by the surfer for their advertisement because presence of the chat window.

    I become more love easyhits4u for this new feature you are going to add.
    and thank you for asking an opinion before doing some change.
    this why I love easyhits4u always want the best for the member.

    Easyhits4u always be my #1 TE since I've been join.


  • swiitpea - 13 years ago

    I agree with a previous comment about being able to block sites for programs to which I already belong.

    However, in addition, I would like the option to block sites that I have already seen at least 3 times and decided that they hold no interest for me.

    If innovated, hopefully, these sites will be listed in such a way that the block could be revoked if a surfer changes their mind about seeing them.

    Also, it would be beneficial to both viewers and advertisers alike to have access to an on-site web page that showed relevant statistics for blocked sites (Why do people not like them? What percentage of people have blocked them? Etc.).

  • yusof - 13 years ago

    great product and I suggest EasyHits4U make more windows in a page relating. just love both surfing and chating

  • Tom - 13 years ago

    you have a great site...

    I do like to chat and surf....

    I like to be able to block sites that I am already a member of our that i just don't want to see again .... no since in wasting the credits of members if i already belong to the site

  • Natalie - 13 years ago

    It would be great if we could rate the site sites we view so other members could see if it is a great opportunity or it has good informations, also if the site is scamming others it would warn people not to join.
    Overall Easyhits4u is definetely the best TE, it provides great traffic and the results are amazing!

  • gotpaid - 13 years ago

    i hope if you're going to have that feature of rating and placing comments on sites while surfing, i hope you'll put an option for turning it off... coz i don't want to rate and comment while surfing, i just want to surf

  • topjer - 13 years ago

    thanks to EasyHits4U, very helpful services to gain much more visitors for my web sites.

  • Abdul Alim Syed Amanullah - 13 years ago

    It is encouraging to have such features in the toolbar. But I want to know how to increase visibility for my site. I also want to know how to make the toolbar more attractive.

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