Is Blake Shelton Too Controversial for Twitter


  • Rocky - 13 years ago

    He only states his opinion. If your gay and proud you go out into the streets and chant that your gay and proud. If your straight and proud and that's your beliefs and you express how proud you are in gay discussion then your considered a racist! I think that's horse crap! My sister is gay. I love her just like if she was straight, but its not a life style I want to be in. I have to explain to my daughter now why her cousin has two moms and no dads. Her kid now has to deal with all the questions of where's your daddy!?
    Go Blake!

  • Shellie - 13 years ago

    He is NOT too racy, he's real unlike many people on twitter. He doesn't tweet like he's a celeb constantly trying to promote & sell himself. I've ALWAYS been a fan of his & I love seeing what appears to be the real him, a good ole country boy from my home state!

  • Joanne - 13 years ago

    I love people who aren't afraid to tell it like it is & be funny while doing it. I pressed the follow button & am not sorry I did !!! Thanks Blake for giving me something to laugh about everyday !!!

  • Vanessa - 13 years ago

    He's hilarious! I can't believe people take him seriously. He's just clowning and having a good time. A lot of the stuff he's tweeted is stuff I've heard people say or what people are thinking. He just has the guts to blurt it out unfiltered for the world to see. If you can't take his sense of humor don't follow. I personally love it!

  • mechelle - 13 years ago

    I agree with everybody there's a lil button that says don't follow! Blake u keep doing what u do if more ppl spoke their minds mayb they'd b happier! I check Twitter often just to c what Blake says Hey Blake I got an idea tell em to Kiss Ur Country Ass if they don't like what u say they don't have to follow u but a lot of ppl enjoy it and Love u!

  • besstr - 13 years ago

    You have to be frickin kidding me. You do not like what he says do not follow. I started a twitter account because of him. He shots from the hip and it is great. Who gives two shits what PETA (people eat tasty animals) have to say. If your gay why follow Blake?

  • besstr - 13 years ago

    You have to be frickin kidding me. You do not like what he says do not follow. I started a twitter account because of him. He shots from the hip and it is great. Who gives two shits what PETA (people eat tasty animals) have to say. If your gay why follow Blake?

  • Katrina Bankston - 13 years ago

    Blake Shelton is hilarious!!! I laugh day and night reading his tweets!! People need to stop being so serious and learn to laugh!!!

  • Jeffro - 13 years ago

    It's more indicative of how people react to Blake's posts than what Blake says - he is trying to get a rise out of folks who need their balloons punctured.

  • Beth - 13 years ago

    I love Blake's tweets! He is so funny! He is by far my favorite on Twitter, and I frequently read his tweets out loud from my phone.

  • pdfrye - 13 years ago

    Love u Blake. It's not that complicated....If offended do not follow!!!!

  • Sarah - 13 years ago

    I believe that Freedom of Speech is a Right. There for, like Mom and Dad said when we were young, " If you don't like what someone says at school walk away." Nobody is forcing anyone stay and listen, if you don't like it, don't listen.

  • janet - 13 years ago

    Following someone on twitter is purely voluntary. If you don't like what he says there's an "unfollow" box....check it! Personally, I think he's hysterical and look forward to what he will say next!!

  • Jayd - 13 years ago

    I think its great that he doesn't care that he may/may not offend people. Political Correctness is the reason our country is in such dire straits. If we offended more people maybe we'd be stronger. Its not about making EVERYONE happy. Sometimes the right decision is not the most POPULAR one.

    THANKS BLAKE for having the balls to speak your mind!!!! And what an interesting mind it is!!

  • Marisa - 13 years ago

    Don't like him then don't follow him, it's simple..... grow up people !!!!

  • taylor - 13 years ago

    no he's not offensive he's hilarious and if you don't like the things he has to say than don't follow him.
    I love you blake!!!

  • taylor - 13 years ago

    no he's not offensive he's hilarious and if you don't like the things he has to say than don't follow him.
    I love you blake!!!

  • rachel dane - 13 years ago

    how hammered wuz blake when he said
    “I’m so happy right now I just **** a pair of siamese albino flying monkeys who speak with a southern English accents!! #teamblake #thevoice

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