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Child-less Montrealers held a picnic in Lafontaine Park to celebrate their choice. What do you think?

Total Votes: 3,745

  • bigdaddy - 13 years ago

    How can you be confused that someone who doesn't want children because it would disrupt their Saturday morning TV is called selfish? What else would you call them? Shallow? Childish? The best thing about this story is that these dolts will not procreate. Hallelujah.

  • Thaddeus - 13 years ago

    Indeed - the "selfish" label applied to child-free people has always bothered me too. In a world with 6-7 billion too many people, an estimated 150 million children waiting to be adopted, rampant unemployment and shrinking labour pool need, as well as dwindling resources for people as indiviuals or as a species to support themselves, it seems that people who choose to be child-free in so many ways are the LEAST selfish among us all.

    One can always enjoy children, and contribute endlessly to the development and rearing of children without having biological children. Adopt, be a foster parent, babysit, teach, mentor, coach, counsel, volunteer,....

    It is ashame more people do not choose to be child-free.

  • A - 13 years ago

    I do not think there is any such thing as child-less couples anymore. For example, the couple with the woman who said she does not plan to have kids since it would interfere with her saturday morning TV has at least one child...

  • Smam - 13 years ago

    I cant believe the quote in the article about the woman saying she couldnt relax and watch tv with kids around. Seriously? Wow. Someone needs to unplug for a bit.

  • Diane smith - 13 years ago

    Why do we feel the need as a society to place labels on people...childless couples...single moms...recovering addict etc.. These labels serve to strip people of their individuality and place them in their own separate groups. Childless couples are people like anyone else who are at a point in their lives where they happen not to have children...remember some of these individuals may at some point in their lives become part of a new group calles...first time parents!

  • rokudaime - 13 years ago

    Notice there's no option for all of us who are child-free and support others who are child-free. :( Talk about a biased poll.

  • Rebecca - 13 years ago

    There should be an option in the survey " I don't plan on having kids either".

    Also I would like to know why people think not having kids is selfish? This doesn't make sense to me.

  • LJC - 13 years ago

    The "selfish" label applied to the childless has always bugged me. How can it be selfish to not have children? You can't be selfish towards someone who was never born. It is much more selfish to have a child just to have someone to take care of you when you are old.

  • JW - 13 years ago

    Love the idea. Wish I knew about it before I would have joined.

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