Does Celine Dion have a right to censor her photos?


  • Pam - 14 years ago

    I have always admired Celine and I love her music! She is a genuine person inside and out and anyone who does something like this to another person whether they are a celebrity or not shows me that the person who does this is the kind of person I would not want to be associated with. I guess it is okay to make fun of someone else or make them look bad as long as it is not the person who is doing this being made to look bad. It is sad that our world has become to the point that we get our laughs at making someone else look silly. It says a whole lot about our world and it is headed!

    Ask yourself a question, try putting yourself in Celine's shoes, would you like it if someone was posting pictures of you that were unbecoming (whether you were famous or not), would you like it? Something tells me that if someone did that to the person who did this to Celine, they would be outraged!

    Regardless, of the fact, do I think it is okay or not to do this and I DON'T, the fact remains no matter what someone might try to do to Celine, she is still one classy lady. I admire her because she is one of the few singers that has not let fame, fortune go to her head and destroy her. She is a classy wife, mom and bottom line is, no matter how silly you try to make her look, her life and example will speak so much LOUDER than your silly pictures! WAY TO GO CELINE, stand up to people like this, they have NO CLASS!

  • CAC - 14 years ago

    I thought all publicity is good publicity. Besides, these are pictures of her in performance. That's the public domain. Sorry Celine. She could stop them if she said at the begining of her performance "Don't take my photograph." If she didn't it doesn't matter what's on the tickets. The photographer(s) could get them removed if the blogger does not have permisson to post them. Once on the internet, always on the internet. FREE SPEECH LIVES ON!

  • Brenda - 14 years ago

    I didn't get to see the website as this is the first time I have heard about it. If the pictures in question were taken at a public event, then I don't think she has a right to complain just because she doesn't happen to like the way she looks in them. We all have pictures of ourselves that are less than flattering, but she has chosen a performing career and put herself in the public's eye so she should expect a few undesirable ones to pop up from time to time. She needs to not be so conceited and take herself so seriously that she can't laugh at herself from time to time. But if the pictures were of a private nature, then that would not be ok and she would have the grounds to get them removed.

  • Shirley S. Jordan - 14 years ago

    Yes she has a right to censor her pictures. She is a classy lady and should not be treated this way.

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