Of all the BB13 HGs, who is playing the best game thus far?


  • Roger - 13 years ago

    Rachel is a good competitor, but she is still a total stuck-up [insert explicit word here] who thinks she freaking owns the house. I hate how she thinks she should always get her way, no matter how horribly she behaves. Her social game is absolutely horrible. She is by far my LEAST favorite houseguest.

    Porsche is stupid; she's just Rachel's lapdog who is incapable of doing anything for herself.

    Adam may be the biggest BB fan ever, but he sucks in competitions, and is somewhat of a floater. Of course, I still like him better than Rachel.

    Jordan is in a good position, but I'm not sure about her stance as a competitor. Plus, she's really nice, so she has an edge in her social game since everybody loves her. Even Dominic said that if Jeff was backdoored, Jordan probably wouldn't seek revenge because she's too nice.

    Kalia is a complete floater; she doesn't deserve to win at all. She hasn't done anything to prove she's deserved it. If she gets far, it will only be because of Daniele. NOBODY would vote for her if she made it to the Final 2.

    Shelly is complete rat (snitch). She's like a freaking 5-year-old. She'll snitch on anybody & everybody, without even considering if it will help her in the game or not. She's clueless, a bad competitor, has virtually NO social game, is incapable of strategizing, and is a floater/lapdog because she can't do anything & relies heavily on others. Plus, she can't to anything for herself. The only ally she really ever had was Cassi, which lasted for like 5 minutes because both were sad that their partner might be evicted.

    Lawon is also a floater, but he's pretty entertaining with the way he speaks and his antics. Everybody seems to be on good terms with him. Nevertheless, I applaud his social game.

    Jeff could do better in competitions, especially physical ones. However, he's a nice guy, so his social game is decent. I think's he's done well for himself and Jordan so far, but there's not much else I can think of saying.

    Daniele is by far my FAVORITE houseguest. She had a good social game going, but unfortunately, Shelly the rat screwed that up for her. I don't think Dominic is to blame for putting his trust in Shelly and telling her Daniele's plan. She's a very strong competitor, both mentally & physically, as seen in BB8. I hope she wins the 500K; she deserves it more than anyone else in the house. I still don't understand he reason for aligning with Kalia. I'm guessing it's to secure votes in her favor, but if it's not that, then I have no idea.

    Dominic was my second favorite HG. I wish he hadn't gotten evicted, and I hope CBS brings him bag to help Daniele screw over Brendon & Rachel. I applaud him for contesting the veterans from Day 1, and I really liked him, and agree that the other newbies are "spineless jellyfish." Porsche even admitted that she was one, so it's good that at least someone is acknowledging their........suckishness, if you will.

    Brendon. Well, what can I say about him? He's definitely athletic. He may be a PhD student, but he is seriously stupid for aligning himself with Rachel. I truly feel bad for him, and I think thin he would have gone further in both BB12 & BB13 had he not aligned himself with Rachel. Heck, if he never affiliated himself with Rachel, I might have even rooted for him.

    Bottom line: I hope Daniele wins. If Adam, Lawon, Jeff, or Jordan wins, I will be indifferent. I really hope that Porsche, Shelly, Kalia, Brendon, or Rachel win, because, well, frankly, they all suck.

    Bring Dominic back CBS! He deserves a second fighting chance! It wasn't even his fault he got evicted. The blood may be on Daniele's hands for making the backdoor Jeff plan, and Rachel's for nominating him, but had Shelley not exposed it, he would still be in the house. After Brendon, Rachel and then Shelley need to go home!

  • Debbie - 13 years ago

    Danielle is the only one playing the game! I hope this works...get rid of the Branchells! Go Dani!

  • Tim - 13 years ago

    I think shelly is sinking her own boat, People are noticing her always around Jeff and Jordan and people know she's the rat of the BB13 house always telling what others are saying, If she makes it far it will only be because she can't win anything and will be an easy out not because people trust her.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Hopefully people will really think about the question. The best gameplay has been Shelly and Dani at this point with absolutely no targets on them. As of today it's now Shelly since Dani's game has been uncovered.

    I see Jeff has a lot of votes because people love him, but his game hasn't been good yet this season. We won't know until his alliance gets out of power.

    The people who shouldn't have a single vote based on game play are Porsche and Rachel. Yes Rachel is winning everything, but this game is about positioning yourself. She hasn't done that.

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