If the Finale is April 27th, 12 days from now (Tuesday), how will we go from 5 HGs to 2?


  • Loo - 16 years ago

    I think that the finale is going to be on the 29th and NOT the 27th. Just a feeling I have.

  • What?? - 16 years ago

    There's really no need for any kind of modified eviction schedule.

    Wed the 16th = Cut to final 4
    Wed the 23rd = Cut to final 3

    [Final HOH begins immediately]

    Part 1 - Wed the 23rd
    Part 2 - Thurs the 24th
    Part 3 - Fri the 35th [narrowed down to final two]

    Jury questions for the final two take place on Sat the 26th. And all of this is aired on Sun the 27th (2 hr finale perhaps? All crammed into one hour.. maybe?).

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