For BB9 Natalie Fans ONLY please. Who was your favorite BB8 HG from the BB8 Final 9 - jury and finalists?


  • Kara - 16 years ago

    I voted Jessica by the way.

  • Kara - 16 years ago

    I voted but the truth is I stopped liking Nat when I began watching the feeds.

  • Qpine - 16 years ago

    I'd be interested to see how the Nat fave percentages compare to the non-Nat favorites.

    See if there are any houseguests who get considerably more (or less) support from people who aren't fans of Natalie than people who are.

  • Shari - 16 years ago

    I voted not realizing it said for BB9 NATALIE FANS ONLY! It was too late once I realized it. :(

    I voted for Dani.

  • Mark - 16 years ago

    Relaly suprised there arent more votes for Jameka and Jessica. Jameka had the God angle that Nat has and Jess had the annoying factor that Nat has.

  • Renee - 16 years ago

    I did not vote b/c I am ABSOLUTELY NOT a gNat fan but I am surprised at the results....You know b/c ppl like her seem to think Dick

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