Who's the Hotter Spider-Girlfriend?


  • Greg - 10 years ago

    This isn't being fair. Sure Emma looks better in the bathing suit comparison. You rigged it that way. Did you see THIS picture? http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.wmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/kirsten-dunst-bikini.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.wmagazine.com/people/celebrities/2014/04/kirsten-dunst-juergen-teller/photos/slide/1&h=2052&w=1358&tbnid=YEo7QniUXrd8KM:&zoom=1&q=kirsten+dunst+in+a+bikini&docid=UOJtG__D8wIwOM&hl=en&ei=ybuQVLrTNJefyAT-1YKgBw&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CEEQMygZMBk Click this link and you'll see a picture of Kirsten looking just as good

  • Sarah - 12 years ago

    Both have their own aspects of hotness. And personally, i think Dunst is hotter. But that's not really what matters. Emma Stone is the reason i decided to give this reboot a chance. And it was great. Really great. But Toby and Kirsten will always be Spidy and MJ for me, just because i grew up with those movies. And Gwen Stacey will always be that ditzy, unimportant character that he never should have kissed at that parade for me. It doesn't mean i can't absolutely love Emma Stone's Gwen as well. It's just hard to get past what those characters were for you first. But yeah, final verdict: Dunst is hotter, but Stone's acting can sway my entire opinion of a movie preview. Everybody wins.

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