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Do you think religious displays of any kind should be allowed on public property? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 72

  • Bre - 9 years ago

    If you read the comments in yesterdays poll a young lady named Tonya found and posted evidence that the pole was being manipulated by JT Eberhard and his atheist friends. And guess what I tried what they were doing and I voted over 100 times yes and would of done more but they closed the pole. This nativity scene doesn't hurt anyone and should be allowed and it's not like your being persecuted for not believing so move on and get over it. Boo freaken whooo big babies

  • Jim Smith - 9 years ago

    Majority doesn't rule when it come to rights. If majority rules we would probably still have slavery in the South, and everyone would be required to be Baptist in the South, Catholic in Chicago and Mormon in Utah. NO, you can't rule rights by majority vote nor can you take away the rights of the minority in any fashion. It is all or nothing when it comes to the displays on the square. Let the crèche stay but let all others who wish, put up their displays, too.

  • Fire Eyes - 9 years ago

    The controversy within the last poll was created by outsiders and NOT a true reflection of the majority of the local community. The comments by local citizens quoted within the article on the tree lighting ceremony are an accurate representation of the majority of the area, much to the dismay of the liberal and anti Jesus crowd.

  • David - 9 years ago

    NO CONTROVERSY regarding bc nativity scene ?
    I wonder whether the bax bull reporters read their own paper.
    See yesterday's poll about the nativity scene.

  • Jim Smith - 9 years ago

    I think that religious displays should be displayed on public property . . . make that religious displays of all religions. Yep, every religion that wants to put up a display should be able to do so . . . even the Atheists should be able to make and put up a display. Until then, no display should be put up . . . NONE! All or nothing, that is the choice.

  • David Keppen - 9 years ago

    Many people get so involved with their own religion (thinking that it should be the only one) that they forget that, I believe, there are over 200 different religions in the U.S. and just because Christianity has a larger following than any other doesn't give their followers some sort of supreme privledges. What if every religion wanted to construct some sort of a religious grotto on the courthouse lawn.
    And, remember, that is public property and does not belong to the Christians.

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