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If you were on the BB9 jury, which of the remaining houseguests would you award the 500,00k?

Total Votes: 7,731

  • Cat - 16 years ago

    I think Ryan should win hands down. He's played the best game out of anyone in there. He has won his fair share of HOH's and other comps. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty like adam. He never threw a comp like sharon and Adam have. Yes he did get evicted once, but he was never the target then, and many of the house guest said that to him. Also, when he has made secret alliances, they have remained secret. So my vote goes to him.

  • samantha - 16 years ago

    oh plz ja, sheila does not deserve to be there. she has done nothing. she only won hoh because natalie gave it to her ,then she voted her out. what a b**ch! she is a bigger floater than anyone. i hope she gets nothing she dont deserve it. being a single mother means nothing. there are alot of single mothers out there. what makes her so special? cause she was in penthouse? that is not something to be proud of. she said men were lined up to get her autograph. plz!!! her autograph is not what they wanted, get a clue, they wanted in her pants. duh!!

  • ja - 16 years ago

    As long as Sharon doesn't win, then i will be happy. I can't respect anyone who throws competitions just so people don't get mad at them. Any of the other 3 have atleast played the game. Floaters should never win BB.

  • amber - 16 years ago

    i believe that adam deserves to get the money because sharon and ryan have both been eliminated..sharon had coattailed through josh and then ryan and ryan has coattailed through adam..sheila has not been eliminated yet but has coattailed through adam and natalie...the only thing won was given to her and she used that to get rid of one of her rides only for popularity which is not gameplay..

  • Mimi - 16 years ago

    Adam gets it hands down...he's disgusting and not much to look at but he's very entertaining and has his moments. Sharon better not not win. I don't know how she made it thru casting. She is THE most BORING person on the show. No personality very vanilla. Her voice is so annoying. It sounds like she's shouting when she's in the DR. Shes not sexy at all.

  • Aaron - 16 years ago

    sheila has played the best maliputive game of the 4 and is almost a female Dr. will, but I can't stand to see either of those two females win. Sharon has done nothing but float and hide this whole game she has added nothing of value. Ryan is the under dog and can't see the truth if it hit him in the face . Especially if it comes out of a girls mouth everything they tell him must be true. Adam has played a pretty safe game, throwing comps and not pissing people off, and winning only when it suits his needs and not to get his hands dirty. All in all a very smart game.

  • Jimmy - 16 years ago

    Sharon definitely gets my vote, but only if she gives me a lap dance first! Yeah baby! That's what I'm talk'n about!!! Hotty hot hot ! ! !

  • Jeff - 16 years ago

    I'd really like to see what would happen if a couple made it to the final two.

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