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Ashley will choose ...


  • nichole - 13 years ago

    Ashley you are wrong you chose the wrong guy again. Ben F deserves so much more then you.
    Your sister was right JP is wrong for you but thats your choice.
    Poor Ben and his heart. I hope Ben F. is the next bachelor.
    Ashley come on get a brain think about this Bentley bad Brad bad and now JP BAD
    You must dumb or blind. Ben you will find someone.
    I have seen all the seasons and this was the worst boring and Ashley is way to immature.
    Acting like child all the time.
    Lust not love it wont last. You will realize that you made a mistake.
    Should have chosen Ben F. When you go crawling back to him I hope he says NO!

  • Donna - 13 years ago

    Ashley really screwed this one up. She should have chose Ben, such a better guy then JP. I hate that she led Ben on the way she did, he so didn't deserve that. She made him believe that he was the one. After Ben told her he loved her and they macked on the bed, she completely broke Ben's heart right there and then.
    Ashley, you deserve JP, not to be mean or anything, but you chose wrong. I just don't think you should have led Ben on the way you did.
    Have a nice life Ashley, I hope you all the best.
    I really hope that Ben finds a wonderful woman that completely love's him with all of her heart, he so deserves it.

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