Do you think BB should have an evicted houseguest come back into the game?


  • Jen G - 13 years ago

    I have voted to bring back Brendon, I think it would be funny to see what would happen if Rachel is evicted this week and they have to battle to go back into the house. He would have to realize that letting her win would mean her getting booted again and I think he would go a lot further in the house without her!

  • Kathleen Forehand - 13 years ago

    I think this season's Big Brother should not have brought back past couple contestants as that gave them an unfair advantage over the newbies, especially when they created their own exclusive alliance. In the future I hope only new contestants will be on the show.

  • JB - 13 years ago

    I want to see Brendon would be soooo much fun to watch the uproar !

  • Jamie - 13 years ago

    I would love to see Brendon voted back in! I think it would be good for ratings and he is also a great competitor. I think it would stir things up in the house if he was the one to return!

  • Connie - 13 years ago

    Jordon hasn't been evicted yet.

  • awesome - 13 years ago

    okay i think the dom should get voted back because that way dani is no longer alone and she has a good competitor on her side i like cassi but i dont think she will work with dani cause they dont like eachother so i would vote dom back in

  • Spencer - 13 years ago

    hahaha I think people voted for Cassi cause she's hot.
    But I'd vote Dominic just so that Daniele would have another person on her side in the house.
    Daniele is hot

  • Ernie - 13 years ago

    If I had the option, I'd vote to have that pathetic and scheming Daniele permanently evicted and launched down into a bottomless pit.

    Some people fail to realize that wretched skank is the one who turned her back on the veteran's alliance in the first place. Daniele is easily the most disgusting and ill-willed contestant this season.

    Otherwise, bring back Brendon so he, Rachel, Jeff, Jordan and perhaps Shelley and Porsche can clear the BB House of all the slime. A good final 6 right there.

    Brendon, Rachel, Jeff and Jordan make for some really good TV.

  • mel - 13 years ago

    Please bring back Dominic he made this season

  • Jennifer - 13 years ago

    I voted to bring back Jordan IF she gets evicted but I really hope that doesn't happen. Shelly is a smart girl...she can't actually be dumb enough to consider keeping Brenchel together in the house! However, if Jordan stays and Brendon goes (fingers crossed!), I would like to see Cassi back - especially since it was Jordan's HOH and she never wanted Cassi gone. Funny how Rachel was so adimant about Dom not leaving but then she turns around the next week and has him evicted...He's nice on the eyes and has a great sense of humor; however, gamewise, I think Cassi should come back.

  • Chick - 13 years ago

    Since there are no comments here I guess I'm the only one who cares about this poll. I don't agree with bringing people back after they have already been evicted. However, that doesn't p/o me as much as bringing people back who have already had a chance to be on the show! Look at all the people who try out and then their shot is taken by someone who already won or had a chance to win a half mill. If they want to do a BB Allstars then that's what they should do! What will CBS do next for ratings, put Boston Rob & Amber on BB14?

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