Of the remaining BB13 HGs, who do you believe is playing the best game?


  • mrsly69 - 13 years ago

    Porsche...Did you read the question correctly. She is the ultimate floater. Goes to who is in power and makes STUPID moves. Friends with Rachel and puts jeff and shelly up for the hoh comp. SHE HAS NO BRAIN. She may be the dumbest player of all time. I don't mean game play, I mean DUMB! She has no BRAIN or common sense.

  • Larry D. - 13 years ago

    How in the world can anybody think porsche could be playing the best game? The girl does not have a Brain cell in her whole body. Duh!!!

  • Nikki C - 13 years ago

    OMG Porsche is playing the worst game out of everyone ....who's taking these polls?

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