If you were Ryan, and 500k was on the line, which HG would you want to be next to in the final 2?


  • monicadroc - 16 years ago

    Ryan has not played a bad game when it comes to comps and alliances but he killed himself when he decided not to give a hoot about jury votes ...and several times hes said those exact words " I don't give a F@#K what ???? thinks about me ..F@#K em all!! " He is in "who I can beet in comp mode" and if he was smart he'd take Sheila to the end b/c Sharon has no enemies and Adam covered his ass w/ everyone before they left !!! I'd say these people will look at game play ,but this group seems a little different then the other 8 seasons so we will see !!!!!!

  • dOgGgY - 16 years ago

    Ryan doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell against any of the other contestants. He's a lying bastard who has been playing all sides of the game since day 1, and everyone in the jury house knows that, even 'his girl' Natty. He has royally screwed himself out of the 500Gs no matter what the final 2 are. LMAO!!!!

  • Cat - 16 years ago

    I disagree with you. Ryan has done a lot to earn this money. He's won 2 HOH, 3 povs. Also, he has made secret alliances with two people from the other side, and has kept them secret. I also think it's pretty amazing that he has got this far, when in the begining he had a huge target on him all the time. You also have to look at the fact that he only came on the show for Jen and he's made it this far in the game.
    I think sharon is his best bet. James made a promise to Shelia, that he would campaign for her to win the whole game, if she made it to the end. I think he could do that, and I think she would win. Adam made sure the blood wasn't on his hands when other people left so I think he would get most of the votes. Sharon on the other hand, it would really be a toss up. With Sharon, it's possible that people would stick with thier original alliances.

  • Emily - 16 years ago

    If I were him he would prolly have to be by himself to win any money. He hasn't done anything to earn it!

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