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Which evicted HG did you vote to have a chance at returning to the BB13 house on the CBS site?

Total Votes: 8,781

  • Juli - 13 years ago

    BRENDON?? Really, everybody? Oh man I'm so disappointed!!

    Oh well. Guess if I were a Brenchel fan I'd be pretty stoked about now.


  • Colette - 13 years ago

    I voted for Brendon not because I love Brenchel, but because i can't stand Dani this season. She could have done so well and possibly won, but she made huge mistakes way too early and has been acting horrible for weeks now. I'm very, very disappointed in her crappy game play. I was really rooting for her and Evil Dick, but not anymore.
    Like so many other people I can't wait to see Dani and Kalia's faces. They have no idea that BOTH of their HOH's are about to become completely worthless. All they've accomplished is getting out one of their own allies, which is a huge mistake considering Porche is the only other person on their side. I can't wait to laugh my @ss off at them all week, I'm sure they'll whine and cry about how unfair it is!!!! It's gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!

  • running wolf - 13 years ago

    i want brandon back ,nice to see 2 people who really love each other succeed at life.. Daniel is a vindictive mean jealous whitch.That is really catty. not much different than her last season . she realy is venimous about the other girls in the house..priceless to see her face tonight if rachel stays and Brandon comes back as HOH

  • dana - 13 years ago

    i'm with you Amy - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Brendon comes back tonight. I can't stand Dani and Kalia and thought she did the worst job ever as HOH. They were laughing it up during her week of power and can't wait to see the look on her face if Brendon should show up.

  • Amy - 13 years ago

    Cant wait till tonight I am so looking forward to the looks on there faces when Brendon walks in the door Dani and Kalia are so FAKE and annoying. This whole week they have done nothing but lie, backstab I get it thats the game but who agrees with me about watching those two spineless jellyfish come crawling back begging for forgiveness CBS has got a good cast this yr. jeff and jordan are by far my fav. As for Shelly and Adam they play the game pretty good too.. But lawon ands porshe they suck i believe they r just the for the time on t.v. and a free vacation. And Dani she is nothing without evil Dick. Her game play just SUCKS and i truly hope she sorry butt gets voted out and she has to sit all alone on her birthday.. So therefore I voted for BRENDON and cant wait to see him come back...

  • jenni - 13 years ago

    Sorry Arch83 but people want to see Cassi come back about as much as Keith. Cassi did get a raw deal i'll give her that but for kalias plan to blow up in her face and have Brendon walk back in the house would be priceless. Lawan deserves to get evicted just for being a dummy and think he'll be back with some magical powers. i had to vote for Brendon so hopefully tonight will be action packed !!!

  • fancythat221 - 13 years ago

    GO BRENDON!!!!!

  • arch83 - 13 years ago

    a vote for Brendon is the stupiest thing you can do. It won't make for good TV unless you enjoy watchting the Brendon & Rachel show, which I don't I also think it is not safer for J/J because Brenchel will turn on J/J the only reason that Rachel hasn't is because their all she has. Cassi would make for the most drama in my opinion because Dani doesn't want to see her come back and neither does Rachel. I would love to see a Cassi- Shelly- J/J 4 person alliance. that would be great they can drag Rachel and Adam with them and drop them at final 6. This would be the best case scenario for J/J becuase Cassi could get Rachel out and they would have no blood on their hands.

  • jenni - 13 years ago

    I'm with you coco75. This cast of newbies is soooo boring. I'm so glad to see the vets because without them this season would suck. Let me just say this - Jeff is hot and I'm so glad he's back. I was all for Dani at the beginning but she is a bitch and i'm hoping Brendon comes back tonight because that would be the best ever. Kalia is HOH and did nothing. She is useless and nominated 2 people she wanted out only to have floater Lawon go. Good bye Lawon. You suck and have done nothing useful so far. At this point having Cassie or Keith back would be a waste. He was a moron and she did nothing either so whats the point. Bringing Brendon back i would love to see the looks on everyones faces. As much as some dont care for them the drama they bring to the game is priceless. Big Brother needs another all star game or even better a Brendon and Rachel wedding !!!!! Big Brother Rocks !!!!

  • jenni - 13 years ago

    Sorry team Keith but no one wants to see him back. I voted for Brendon and cant wait to see what happens tonight. Lawan should be evicted just for being a dumb ass and volunteering to go on the block. Kalia did a crappy job as HOH and i'm hoping her and Dani get kicked out soon. Ugh, I hate them !!! Brendon being back would definitely stir things up and Rachel would be happy to have her fiance' back - WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • coco75 - 13 years ago

    I started voting for Cassi, figuring that Rachel would be leaving, but then when everything went down and Lawon got put up I started voting for Brendan a few times...but went back to Cassi. I think if Cassi were to come back as well that would cause some drama too and I think Cassi, Shelly, Adam, J & J would make an awesome alliance.

    Remember people it was DANI who put the seed in Rachel's about Cassi, it has been DANI all season for the most part...that is why DANI wanted to back door J & J is because they did not go with her ultimate plan right away of nominating Cassi & Shelly. That is what I really believe, even though she really never said this. But she was the first person to say something to Jordan right away about putting Cassi up all because she wanted her shomance with Dom. I am sorry I don't care to see her and Dom lay around all is getting kind of boring in the house so I will be happy to have either Cassi or Brendan walk back in the house even though I would much rather see Cassi walk back in as I am starting to have a gut feeling that if Brendan walks back in then they (brenchel) will flip on J & J and I would love to see J & J make it to the finally 2 with Jeff winning this time. I know some argue Jordan already won get her out...but J & J are just too damn cute for words and well they still are America's Sweethearts that we love them for.

    I do agree that CBS did a TERRIBLE job with the casting of the newbies though. By far one of the dullest seasons for the most part in the BB house. But I am enjoying the twists...granted I don't think they planned on bringing someone back, I went and looked at all the previous years and the only times they really have brought someone back is when someone has left early, so regardless of what was going on in the house as soon as Dick left they knew they were bringing someone back. I said it right away to my hubby when I found out.

    But I feel they were setting up for Dani to be evicted and have her walk right back in.

    Oh well I still love BB and can't wait to see who walks back in...I just pray that some way some how Lawon does not win and walk right back in then I will really feel like all this voting has been for nothing!!!

  • TEAM KEITH! - 13 years ago

    I voted Keith so then we can have a power alliance of Keith's Angels with Kalia, Dani, and Shelley!

  • Zoe - 13 years ago

    Let's go brendon!!!! I hate dani and big kalia and would love brendon to walk in and have those bitches faint. Spool excited for Thursday

  • amy - 13 years ago

    Hi Roz,

    I have been doing my best to check out other polls and all of the ones I see have Brendon in the lead...personnally I hope it works out that way...and I certainly don't think there has been any poll tampering on this site...this is the best site for BB watchers on the my humble opinion.

  • Roz - 13 years ago

    I don't believe this vote is honest. I think BB has set it up for Brendon to win. This is the only poll that has Brendon as a winner. The comments are mostly against Brendon and Rach. If Rach was sent out, they would compete against each other and one would leave. With both back, the show is discusting with the smooching and arguing and crying. I think they are both psychotic. She is better without him. He is trying to control a pit dog {Rach} I have my own problems, I want to be entertained , not be in a mental hospital.

  • amyrizzo221 - 13 years ago

    GO Brendon!! I really hope he gets back in. The look on Kalia and Dani's faces is going to priceless!! Vote as many times as you can....for Brendon!!

  • Frank - 13 years ago

    I voted Brendon back in.. I just wanna see Kalia and Dani's face when Brendon walks in the house.

  • Shawna - 13 years ago

    I voted for Brendon to come back in. I like Rachel a lot better since Brendon left but if he were to come back oh the drama. I can't stand the way Dani or Kalia talk, walk, eat, laugh, everything about them is annoying. Half the time it seems Dani has to force the words out of her mouth blah & Dani's hand is so far up Kalia's ass telling her what to say & do. Kalia couldn't even talk to Rachel yesterday w/o Dani. =S I am a huge J&J fan and would love to see both of them make it to the end.

    I like Shelley's game (more so cuz she is on J&J's team). She may not win comps but she sure can manipulate. The only one I have to give credit to is Dani, she knows not to trust Shelley. As for the others, they may be floaters but my goodness Lawon is STUPID!! And the acting he was doing, oh my gut hurt just laughing. Just to funny. Only one more day until the big twist and im so excited =D

  • Barbara - 13 years ago

    YAY Lets go Brendon go Vote on cbs site to bring Brendon back Lets make the powerful foursome powerful again them four wipe out kalia and Dani thats all i ask for then one of the four can win in the end i dont care Which :)

  • nancy - 13 years ago

    I voted for cassie but that is when I thought rachel was leaving. I really liked her and I knew she would be another vote for JJ. However I have now changed my mind and voted again for brandon because I can't wait to see the look on dani face and the I told you so she going to say to Kalia because she told her not to worry about the trist. So lawan vs brendon will be great and I can't wait to see the sparks fly..

  • Terry - 13 years ago

    I am not a Rachel and Brendon fan, but I can't stand Dani and Kailia. I am a big Jeff and Jordon fan and I'm hoping that having R&B in the house for a few more weeks will only help J&J's game. I can't wait for Lawon to walk out of the house on Thursday and see those bitches faces when Brendon walks in. Poor Lawon is going to loose it, he thinks he is safe. Thank you Shelly for coming up with this idea. She wants Porsche out but Lawon works for me too.

  • Angelo Farina - 13 years ago

    @Roger. Shelly is playing the best game. How did she convince Kallia to put up Lawon???? Because she is that good.

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    @ Roger. You say you can't wait til Dani crushes the rest other players, well buddy you can't do anything if your not their. As soon as any vet. wins a hoh, she is gone. The spineless floaters will go along with anything the vets. want. Dani will have to find her another virgin on the outside.

  • Crystal - 13 years ago

    Hello, The same people win because only those people play. They are WAY too many floaters in this game. Umm....Porsche, Shelly, and Lawton! What have they done but just sit back. Bring Brendan back let him compete against Lawton and of course he will WIN. Then you Rachel and Brendan back together and some awesome players in the game. Rachel wins HOH and puts up Dani and Kalia. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!

  • Kelly - 13 years ago

    @Roger of course we want Brendan back for entertainment value. That's why we watch the show,to be entertained. It is just a show and we need the annoying crazy ones to stir things up. I think it is starting to get boring so we need someone to shake these guys up.

  • shannon - 13 years ago

    I voted for Brendan. Not because I particularly like him, I just want him to come in and stir up some drama! Especially after Shelly's master plan to keep Rachel in the game. I want to see the look on Kalia and Dani's face when not only does Rachel stay in the game, but Brendan walks through the door!! If Lawan is evicted, Brendan would most likely win a competition against him.

  • Kat - 13 years ago

    I can't believe people would actually vote to get Brendon back in the house! He and Rachel have been nothing but annoying and overdoing it with the acting!!
    Let's face it - CBS did not do a good job casting the rest of the people on the show, specifically most of the newbies. If you want some action, bring Dominic back!
    If I want to watch a soap opera, I'll just watch daytime tv NOT Brendon and Rachel!! He cannot come back and she has GOT TO GO!!!

  • Roger - 13 years ago

    I voted for Dominic. I think he was right about all the other newbies being spineless jellyfish. I mean look at em: Adam - floater, Shelley - floater AND a rat, Kalia - floater UNTIL she won HoH, Porsche - floater & Rachel's dumb lapdog, Lawon - floater. Keith, is an idiot for calling everyone out and making a big fuss, which essentially got him evicted. Cassi should have stayed longer, but she had to leave because Rachel is a totally caddy b***h.

    I like Jeff & Jordan, but Daniele and Dominic are my favorite HGs. Jeff & Jordan are good players, but I know Daniele is far better than them in competitions (5 PoVs & 2 HoHs in BB8, and she won HoH last week). Still Jeff and Jordan have a better social game. Anyway, I voted for Dominic, because I think, since he was really the only newbie that wasn't an idiot that fought hard without kissing the veterans' ass (unlike Porsche & Shelley). And, I want Daniele to have an ally to crush the rest of the competitors with. Dominic was always my favorite newbie.

    I still can't believe that so many of you people voted for Brendon, just for the entertainment values! Rachel is a total b***h! Why would any of you want to see her fiancee succeed in this game!? Ya know, I wouldn't actually be against Brendon if he wasn't aligned with Rachel. In fact, I almost feel sorry for him, being aligned with her, but it was his (stupid) choice. I just don't believe that ***holes like those don't deserve to be brought back in the game. Besides, Daniele will just destroy them again!

    PS: Porsche, Shelley, Kalia Adam, and Lawon need to go after Brendon is done. The only reason they've manage to last so long is because:

    1) Keith called out Kalia --> he got evicted
    2) Rachel hated Cassi --> she (Cassi) got evicted
    3) Shelley ratted out Dom & Dani's plan --> Dom got evicted
    4) Dani wanted revenge for Dom --> Bendon got evicted

    It's only because of these distractions that have bigger targets on their backs have the floaters lasted this long. Normally, most of floaters get out in the first few weeks, but this season they all got lucky.

  • amy - 13 years ago

    I really really can't think of anything better than Brendan coming back in. Dani and Kalia might just self evict or pull a Chima!! OH ACTION!!!

  • Renay - 13 years ago

    I can't wait to see their faces when Lawon goes out, and Brendon back in.

  • Hazel - 13 years ago

    I voted for Brendon just to see the faces of Dani and Kalia...we need some action going on in this's getting to boring for me this season...I've called every action to date and knew that Dani felt like she couldn't trust the vets which was mistaken on her part since she had the primal spot in the house, and now she's got the largest target along with Kalia...once the vets win HOH again where will Kalia and her puppet master be then!!! I can't wait for thursday to get here I want to see some Major Action Going on in this game....Let it Begin Once Again!!!

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    Bring back anybody but Dani's toy boy, Dominic.

  • name - 13 years ago

    why would u vote brendon back in, with him back in the vets excluding dani will once again run the house and wipe everyone out also it will be kinda boring because the same people r always wining i would much rather see dom or cassi get back in so they can mix things up a bit

  • Tatyana - 13 years ago

    It would be funny yo see them battle but brendon and rachel are really starting to get annoying thinking everything is soppose to got they way i rather see dominic are cassi back

  • Morgan - 13 years ago

    I voted for Brendon -- not because I necessarily like him, I just like that it might keep Jeff and Jordan safe for longer!! Besides... how funny would it be if Brendon and Rachel had to battle it out to get back in the game? lol

  • Dana - 13 years ago

    NO WAY!! PLEEEEASE dont vote Brendon back innnn. Are you guys a glutton for punishment?? I cant...I just cant! :/

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