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What's Your Choice of the Chains?

Total Votes: 3,803

  • Les - 11 years ago

    Simple Simons Pizza is the one...

  • La Marinera - 13 years ago

    Donato's Pizza! Crispy thin crust pizza with an amazing veggie option.

  • DrRandy - 13 years ago

    In my neighborhood, only two of the national chains deliver. Given the choice between Papa John's (nearly white bread crust, as someone else mentioned) and Domino's (cardboard crust), I'll take the Papa John's every time. Domino's pizza? I'd rather eat the box.

  • Chuck - 13 years ago

    Bertucci's (a regional chain from New England to DC) does a nice enough job. Their basic Bertucci's pie has a nice thin crust and a chunky flavorful sauce. Fresh garlic topping goes well with it.

  • Jacob - 13 years ago

    I ate a lot of Papa John's in college because of the $7 college special, but the pizza is horrible. I'm not so stupid as to say that chain pizza isn't worth eating. Bad pizza (as long as it's not spoiled) is still pizza. Some foods are inherently more than edible despite the quality, but I really would pass over Papa John's just isn't that good. The crust is basically Wonder Bread.

    Mellow Mushroom is pretty common in the Southeast and is a pizza chain I'd more than willingly choose, but I don't think it's outside of a few Southern states.

  • Kacey - 13 years ago

    This is a great poll. I grew up in New Jersey only eating at local pizza places, and the thought of chain pizza gives me the creeps. Ever since moving out of state with my military husband, I realized....dear god....if we want pizza, and I'm too lazy to make it at home....we have NO OPTION BUT TO ORDER CHAIN PIZZA!!! The horror!!!

    I didn't realize how much I took real pizza for granted.

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