SPEAK UP: Do taxes deter you from purchasing property? YESTERDAY'S RESULTS: Has the SAFE Act been effective? 50 YES, 840 NO


  • Tracy - 9 years ago

    YES!! When we began looking at houses, it was a HUGE part of the decision. We couldn't pay more than a certain amount for the house because we knew the taxes would add an addition $500-$700 to the monthly mortgage payment! I lay awake terrified at this time of the year, knowing that next month the bank will adjust our escrow account and we'll have to pay more for the taxes! One of these years we won't be able to afford it anymore being on fixed incomes!!!

  • Brad Nathington - 9 years ago

    Are you kidding me? RE taxes in NYS are an ABSOLUTE inhibitor to people buying homes or other property, here. NYS spends approx $17,000 per student, per year on education K-12. Most of that is for teacher pensions and top-heavy school administrations. It goes right to the little piece of paper we all get in September, called "school tax bill".

    The local towns/cities -- have you been to a town or city office lately? The people there work like they are in slow motion, take 2 hour lunches and close up shop at 4PM. The maintenance crews consist of a bunch of overweight guys who require 5 people to watch one guy working. All of that ends up on that other piece of paper we get in January called "town/city tax bill".

    Go down to NC, SC, TN -- anywhere outside of NY actually -- you can buy a house for 2/3 of what the same house would cost here, and in many cases the RE taxes are 1/5th (yes, one-fifth!) of what they are in NY.

    I love questions like this because the answers are so obvious, as well as is the mass exodus going on from the dictatorship we call NY State.

  • jay - 9 years ago

    When i was house shopping, taxes were a huge part of the final decision. When property taxes are adding $600 - 1000 and more a month to the mortgage payment how can they not be.

  • Ginny Figlia - 9 years ago

    In New York State it does!

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