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Who would you most like to see Daniele nominate for eviction today? Please select 2, then click vote.

Total Votes: 5,455

  • dorado - 13 years ago

    I agree with Patrick and Cerenay and Shelley is the worst person ever...Anyone that can lie and manipulate people like she does has to be that person in the real world. Dani and Kalia have the best friendship and can talk without scheming all the time. Anyone who can't see that Shelly has played everyone in the house, seriously has not been watching the feeds. Dani is just smart enough to figure her out. I know this is her (Shelley) game play but really ...when you are caught up in your own lies....don't cry about it. GO HOME SHELLEY!

  • Angelo Farina - 13 years ago

    I am with you Chris!!!!!!! WITH A CAPITAL C !!!!!!

  • big chris l. - 13 years ago

    Cerenay u r so full of shitake...what's worse a bully or people who sit back and judge everything about everybody in the house all day long. I can't believe all the smack dani says about other people. If someone were to say something to that skeletor looking bitch she might shut her mouth. Jeff isn't a bully until his game is threatened, dani is a cunt all the time.

  • Cerenay - 13 years ago

    I agree with everything you said Patrick. Jeff has been a bully especially to Kalia. Kalia has been a caring person and a good friend to Danielle. If she wasn't Shelly wouldn't have been able to get to her last week. Jordan don't deserve to win this time, she has been a self-righteous grouch , and a floater this season so I'm so over her for now.
    And why would Danielle get rid of her only ally? To help the others win?
    Get rid of Jeff.

  • Angelo Farina - 13 years ago

    I'm with you Rusty.

  • Rusty - 13 years ago

    No Patrick you must not watch the feeds. Kalia, Daniele, and Porsche are the worse ever.
    Oh and Jeff is not a bully Kalia and Dani are which proves you don't watch the feeds.

  • Patrick - 13 years ago

    I just DO NOT get all the Jeff and Jordan love. Jeff is a bully and Jordan is a second time floater (and boring as all hell). These people voting must not watch the feeds. And Shelly's third from the bottom? And Kalia is first? This world has gone mad.

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