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Who is your ideal BB13 Final 3? Please select 3, then click vote.

Total Votes: 43,095

  • Honeywoodu - 13 years ago

    Porsche is a floater had done nothing except to try and get Adam to keep Dani! She has been floating the whole game so far! Kalia is like a puppet on strings with Dani controlling her every move! She eats all the time too. PKD all need to be voted out!

    Shelly should be ashamed of herself for how she is acting in the house! Not a good role model for a daughter by being a liar, threatening to tear apart Rachel's stuffed animal! She is constantly putting Rachel down just like Kalia and Dani are. I would be so embarressed if I were Josie!

    Dani is so funny she puts down everyone saying they are all acting emotional! Well, Dani, poor poor Dani had to be on slop for her birthday week! She is just a person who complains about everything if she does not get her way! Spoiled, Bit*h if you ask me! She promised everything to her alliances and then turn on them too! She is not a trustworthy person at all. Trying to promise Adam that Dick will be friends with him! Oh come on! How low can you go by threatening to tell rachel you are going to have sex with brendon in the jury house! Its time for you to go! And I hope Brendon totally ignores her in the Jury house!

    Adam is playing a good game. He is trying to get to the end. He has watched BB and is starting to play better now. I hope he does not turn on Rachel, Jeff and Jordon! Hopefully, he will vote Dani out!

    I love Jeff and Jordan! they are a cute couple and some say Jordan isnt trying to win, but in the golf game she won that on her bb house game and she did get a 3 this year so I dont think it would have matter if Jeff or Brendon threw it! She got a 3! Jeff is protective of Jordan and I love that he calls her Love and they are a nice couple.

    Rachel can get on your nerves and she did have a deal with Dani but dani made sure Brendon was evicted twice! If she only knew how the mean girls talked about her behind her back I think she would really fight back harder. I give her so much credit for acting so nice and walking away from all there stares and mean things that they say. Rachel does irritates but not act mean as PKD. She is competitive too! She is nicer without Brendon around!

    I wouldnt mind Jeff or Rachel winning! Jordan won already but I would like to see her in the final 3 with Jeff and Rachel!

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    The only thing Porsche could win would be a wet T-shirt contest! She would have my vote. None of the player's impress me this season. Dani, is just a spoiled little brat and if she doesn't get her way almost goes into convulsions. Im also very disappointed in the way Big Brother, allows contestents to cheat in the game and not penalize them I think all viewers should write in and protest. { like Dani,being a have not yet sneaks around and eats cookies } Several have nots have cheatrd. If you are not going to run an honest show, then give them all $500.000. Thats the only fair way. If you are allowed to break the rules and get away with it, then why call it a competition?

  • Shawna - 13 years ago

    I would love to have J/J/R in the final 3. I didn't & still don't like K/P/D. I despise them even more after they starting making comments about how they are going to throw in Rachel's face the fact that Brendon had cheated & how does it feel to know a girl is going to jury with him etc. That is ridiculous. Play the game of what is happening inside the house, don't bring something so hurtful from outside & throw it at them. The same with Shelley taking Rachel's stuffed animal & talking about riping it apart. Fine you want to hide it but not talk about ruining it. These 3 girls are losing their classiness (if they had any before) & all they do is talk about Rachel. It's horrible to listen to especially since Rachel does not talk about them as much. Rachel does things that will irritate them but at least she does it to their face....why can't they say the things to her directly instead of running to a room & whispering...oh I know they don't have the guts like Rachel does. GOOD BYE daddy to protect you now. HAHAHA

  • clarkita - 13 years ago

    I really want to know why people think Porsche is playing such a good game and deserve to be in the final 3? She has done nothing in the house, NOTHING! Rachel was the only one who was nice to her at the begining and she already turned on her. She has been second in a few competitions but that it all...

    MY ideal 3, would be Jeff Jordan and Rachel.

  • bsk37 - 13 years ago

    I want Rachael to win. Yes, she may act like a bitch but guess what there isn't a single person in that house who hasn't done something that they are not proud of I am sure. I think Dani, Kaila, and Porsche are just simple bitches but Shelly is the biggest bitch. Rachael bit her tongue and didn't say a word to Shelly and then Shelly continues to run her mouth. She also looks like a man and has no room to talk when she bashes Rachael. This is my opinion and I am sure some may not like it but I don't want to see people who did nothing in this game win the money. At least Rachael and Jeff have won competitions and Jordan already won so why let her win again.

  • Mtx - 13 years ago

    Omg how dis shelly get that many votes maybe when she was really aligned with jj now she is a witch can't believe she believes her own lies she hates Rachel so much cause Rachel told about the final three deal and Jordan and Jeff are on to her I hope shelly get evicted this week

  • Amy - 13 years ago

    Why is everyone so surprised Porsche got so many votes? I think it's fairly obvious she is a lot smarter than she acts. And who cares that she hasn't won anything? She doesn't seem to make any enemies . Holding back and being under the radar is often what wins reality shows.

  • Kathryn - 13 years ago

    uhmm why Porsche and Shelly? At least kalia's votes are realistic..

  • Reese - 13 years ago

    -__- Ok this poll is messed up.

    How did Porsche & Shelley get so many votes? They're total floaters, Shelley's a disloyal rat, Porsche just aligns herself with whomever is HoH (I guarantee you, she will try to align with Jeff this week). When did they actually do anything. They haven't won any HoH or PoV and Shelley has an awful social game.

    Jeff and Jordan, I can understand. Everybody loves 'em. Heck, I'm rootin' for Daniele, and I still like Jeff and Jordan.

    Adam - MEGAfloater, awful in comps (had to convince Jeff & Dani to throw PoV comp to him ftw!), has virtually no social game, and no true allies...........maybe after Jeff nominates Dani, and after she wins PoV and takes herself off the block (happened 3/4 times in BB8), Jeff might get rid of Adam..........or Kalia.........or Porsche..........but hopefully Rachel, because she is a total b**** who cries like a freakin' baby when Brendon's not around or if things don't go her way.

    Speaking of Kalia, she's just riding Dani's cotails, so her low vote count makes sense. I'm actually surprised more people aren't voting for Dani, though, because she is a really good competitor, even if she ruined her social game.

    Rachel - yeah, she ain't wining, has too much of a target on her back, at the moment. I'm pretty sure she'll be gone in 2........maybe 3 weeks at the most.

    Idk why Brendon's still up there on the poll, he's been evicted TWICE now (3x, if u count BB12)

  • Roz - 13 years ago

    I don't understand why people vote for Jordan. She is a floater, only thing she won was set up for her. She does nothing in the house, Not cook, not clean, not win HOH, or Vetoes. She is a nice person but definitely playing on Jeffs coattails I would never vote for her.

  • Stone - 13 years ago

    How in the world did Porsche get that many votes? I believe this poll has a margin of error of +/- 90%. Has she even started to play yet? I would love to be on the show where I can do absolutely nothing and have a good shot at $500k.

    If this is how stupid America is, I'm not going to be shocked if Michelle Bachman was elected president.

  • Sheila - 13 years ago

    Um, Jordan seems to act as the ignorant one!! And Yes, she really is like that in real life!! SAD...Brendon is a major Chump-Jeff is, well a Bully and A**!! Rachel is a Biotch and DUMB!! Need I say more!!

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    I would really like to know if Porsche is as stupid as she act's? I guess time will tell. So far she don't act like she has a single brain cell. Body yes, brains No.

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