In Dani's position, who would you put up as the ReNom to move yourself farther in the game?


  • barb - 13 years ago

    Hopefully Jeff can convince Adam to keep Brendon. As much as most hate him it makes sense for everyone else in the house since he's the biggest target. Personally i like him better this time around and Dani would just flip out if Shelly happened to go home. That would be funny. Dani needs to go because she is most annoying

  • jk - 13 years ago

    Before Sunday I would have said put up one of each couple and have them fight it out, but now I say her better chance is to take what Rachael and Brendan are will they stick with it?

  • Jeremy - 13 years ago

    I love these polls but it's pretty obvious that most people either don't read the context or don't care. Instead, they vote based on their personal feelings for each hamster. I don't like Kalia which is the popular opinion but come on, why would nominating Kalia be good for Dani given her position? You can't make a reasoned argument for that. Kalia is Dani's one, true, solid alliance so logically she should be getting the least number of votes.

  • KraftyRoo - 13 years ago

    If she gets rid of Jeff, she can take the deal with Brenchal and split up the tightest alliance in the house, Jeff, Jordan, and Shelly. Putting Brendon up (as much as I hate him) would just mean that she has to rely on Kalia or Posche to get HOH. If she makes a deal w/ brenchel and they go back on it, she can just out them to the rest of the house.

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