Is Ergun Caner a liar?


  • Anonymous - 3 years ago

    If you live with a Muslim in their majority, you will learn to fear them especially if you are a not one of them. They lack love, understanding, or respect. They are so full of rage and hate. Taking of life means nothing to them. Their religion is devish, take it from a person who has lived with them for more than 30years

  • john - 7 years ago

    Whatever one's views of Christianity or Islam might be, the question is not which is the "right" religion, the question is, "Is this man lying about his past?" and the answer is clearly "yes." As a Christian I always seek HONEST dialogue with Muslims with "respect and love" as Peter admonished us. Caner's anti-Islamic rhetoric, right or wrong, does not justify his lying about his past. He obviously feels his testimony was not "exciting" enough, so he decided to juice it up. The commandment, "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain," means that if you take it upon yourself to act as Christ's ambassador on earth (the mission of all Christians ie all who take on the name of Christ to themselves) means that you don't go around bearing false witness even if it is and especially if it is in His name! To all Muslims, I understand your justifiable offense at this man's lies & misrepresentations not only of himself but of the Islamic faith. As an emissary of the Lord Jesus Christ, I offer humble apologies and ask that you judge not Jesus by those who misrepresent everything He taught and for which He stood.

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    First of all, I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. But my faith has nothing to do with the facts of this case.
    In a court of law either criminal or civil, Ergun Caner would be found to be NOT CREDIBLE. God is both logical and truthful, so looking at the responses from Ergun defenders, you can't be Godly people because you are neither logical or truthful. Instead of researching the facts of the case, you attack the author because he is a follower of Islam. Do you think Jesus would defend a soul using the pulpit to lie to his flock. And we wonder how Jim and Tammy Fae could have supporters, not to mention other frauds like the Olsteens and the Swaggerts.

  • D - 8 years ago

    wow really CRAZY comments from christians here....

  • Michelle - 10 years ago

    Wow, so many apparent Christians came on here in total denial of the point and flat out lied on the poll-but they obviously feel justified in doing so. Lying is the new form of mission work?

    As a brand new Muslim, the first thing we learn is how to pray and what it is called. I haven't been a Christian for many years but I still remember what the teachings and rituals were-and I could cite quite a few verses by heart as well as the lords prayer. And I know that it is CALLED prayer. This isn't a cultural difference or an issue of which type of Islam he was raised in or where he prayed. This is very core, very basic stuff. Having seen some of the other discrepancies, I wonder how often he actually stepped foot in a mosque.

  • Alexandra Shepeleva - 10 years ago

    Some of the comments are offensive and should not be printed! The Christians have no voice in Muslims Countries and are persecuted and mistreated while some Muslims come here and are treated well and fairly and instead of being grateful they insult not only the Christians but our Lord JESUSCHRIST the SON of the LIVING GOD. Like a Saint of the New Testament we say: Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing" and I pray your eyes will be open to the LIVING GOD and repent because JESUS is coming back and will take over and judge the living and the dead. Blessing and Peace to all!

  • hannatu - 10 years ago

    please each and every one of you should be mindful of what you are saying. The argument here is to know whether Ergun is telling the truth or not, why dont you be within the scope of the discussion. Thank you

  • ed kleinfeld - 10 years ago


  • Dan - 10 years ago

    If you want to see evidence from a Christian that Ergun Caner has lied:

  • Jesus Loves me - 11 years ago

    Pretty scary thought!

    What is an INFIDEL?

    I hope you will read this and then pass it on. WHAT'S AN INFIDEL?
    This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry.

    The man who walks with God always
    gets to his destination. If you have a
    pulse you have a purpose.

    The Muslim religion is the fastest
    growing religion per capita in the
    United States , especially in the
    minority races!

    Last month I attended my annual
    training session that's required for
    maintaining my state prison
    security clearance.

    During the raining session there was a presentation by three speakers
    representing the Roman Catholic,
    Protestant and Muslim faiths,
    who each explained their beliefs.
    I was particularly interested in
    what the Islamic had to say.

    The Muslim gave a great presentation
    of the basics of Islam, complete
    with a video.

    After the presentations, time was
    provided for questions and answers.
    When it was my turn, I directed
    my question to the Muslim and asked:
    Please, correct me if I'm wrong,
    but I understand that most Imams and
    clerics of Islam have declared
    a holy jihad [Holy war] against the
    infidels of the world and, that by
    killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims)
    they are assured of a place in heaven.

    If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?'
    There was no disagreement with my
    statements and, without hesitation,
    he replied, 'Non-believers!'

    I responded, 'So, let me make sure
    I have this straight. All followers of
    Allah have been commanded to kill
    everyone who is not of your faith so
    they can have a place in heaven.
    Is that correct?'

    The expression on his face
    changed from one of authority
    and command to that of a
    little boy who had just been
    caught with his hand
    in the cookie jar.'

    He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'
    I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have
    a real problem trying to
    imagine The Pope commanding
    all Catholics to kill those of
    your faith or Dr.Stanley ordering
    all Protestants to do the same
    in order to guarantee hem
    a place in heaven!'

    The Muslim was speechless!

    I continued, 'I also have a
    problem with being your friend
    when you and your brother clerics
    are telling your followers to
    kill me! Let me ask you a question:

    Would you rather have your Allah,
    who tells you to kill me in
    order for you to go to heaven,
    or my Jesus who tells me to
    love you because I am going
    to heaven and He wants you
    to be there with me?'

    You could have heard a pin
    drop as the Imam hung his
    head in shame.

    Needless to say, the organizers
    and/or promoters of the
    'Diversification' training seminar
    were not happy with my way
    of dealing with the Islamic Imam,
    and exposing the TRUTH
    about the Muslims' beliefs.

  • Jesus Loves me - 11 years ago

    Pretty scary thought!

    What is an INFIDEL?

    I hope you will read this and then pass it on. WHAT'S AN INFIDEL?
    This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry.

    The man who walks with God always
    gets to his destination. If you have a
    pulse you have a purpose.

    The Muslim religion is the fastest
    growing religion per capita in the
    United States , especially in the
    minority races!

    Last month I attended my annual
    training session that's required for
    maintaining my state prison
    security clearance.

    During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers
    representing the Roman Catholic,
    Protestant and Muslim faiths,
    who each explained their beliefs.
    I was particularly interested in
    what the Islamic had to say.

    The Muslim gave a great presentation
    of the basics of Islam, complete
    with a video.

    After the presentations, time was
    provided for questions and answers.
    When it was my turn, I directed
    my question to the Muslim and asked:
    'Please, correct me if I'm wrong,
    but I understand that most Imams and
    clerics of Islam have declared
    a holy jihad [Holy war] against the
    infidels of the world and, that by
    killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims)
    they are assured of a place in heaven.

    If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?'
    There was no disagreement with my
    statements and, without hesitation,
    he replied, 'Non-believers!'

    I responded, 'So, let me make sure
    I have this straight. All followers of
    Allah have been commanded to kill
    everyone who is not of your faith so
    they can have a place in heaven.
    Is that correct?'

    The expression on his face
    changed from one of authority
    and command to that of a
    little boy who had just been
    caught with his hand
    in the cookie jar.'

    He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'
    I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have
    a real problem trying to
    imagine The Pope commanding
    all Catholics to kill those of
    your faith or Dr.Stanley ordering
    all Protestants to do the same
    in order to guarantee them
    a place in heaven!'

    The Muslim was speechless!

    I continued, 'I also have a
    problem with being your friend
    when you and your brother clerics
    are telling your followers to
    kill me! Let me ask you a question:

    Would you rather have your Allah,
    who tells you to kill me in
    order for you to go to heaven,
    or my Jesus who tells me to
    love you because I am going
    to heaven and He wants you
    to be there with me?'

    You could have heard a pin
    drop as the Imam hung his
    head in shame.

    Needless to say, the organizers
    and/or promoters of the
    'Diversification' training seminar
    were not happy with my way
    of dealing with the Islamic Imam,
    and exposing the truth
    about the Muslims' beliefs.

  • Abu Ayoub - 11 years ago

    Silly christians!

  • JESUS LOVES US - 11 years ago

    I am asking all true Christians to stop dialog with Muslims and just pray for them..... Jesus said that He will avenge us and His name and that we are to just LOVE those who do not "believe".....LOVE our enemies and do good to those who choose to persecute us....forgive them(FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO), this is what Jesus said on the cross.

  • Praying for you - 11 years ago

    Dear Father in heaven, Please help all people of the earth to come to you for Love and Forgivness of sin. Help them to come to know you personally and seek you, as you have told us of your Love for us and mercy towards us. We know there is only one sure way to heaven and it is not by killing ones self and others. Let your LOVE prevail in this world and in the hearts who truly know you. In Jesus Name, AMEN

  • following Jesus - 11 years ago

    We as Christians must seek God on behalf of Muslims...... to open the eyes of (these people) to the bondage of the Islam....We know all the retoric in the world will not help them... We as true Christians must pray for their deliverance. They still pray for peace for their prophet because they know their is no certainty in the Islamic faiththat he is at peace.

  • Jesus Follower - 11 years ago

    In Pakistan seeking such justice is easy and (almost)..... (free)........, System will pursue him ruthlessly............Does your hadith condone lie telling? Lets take a POLL on this as well...Only yes or no please..............I guess your God excepts lies, honor killings, murder,cheating,rape, and whatever else is excepted by Him... as long as He gets the credit......What is wrong with this picture? -

    I think that their are more fake muslims than you think....especially in the middle east where you can be murdered if you want to change your beliefs from islam to christianity....DO MUSLIMS HATE?

  • Jesus Follower - 11 years ago

    we have to face the reality, those who defend them are worse than him, for how can a sane man/woman still believe a WORD from a man who made up SENTENCES (Gibberish...... (Muslims believe)......We must leave Muslims to there own god, and their own (fate) for following him.

  • Abu Oumaira - 11 years ago

    Silly christians and their comments haha. Why are not debating Jesus, peace be upon him, here. The fact is that Ergun is a complete liar (even his twitter name "ergun mehmet caner" thinking that mehmet is islamic, is nog even his real name, it's ergun michael caner) and their is so much proof to back it up.

    Stop crying about your priest and own up to the fact that he is a liar.

  • menj - 11 years ago

    I wonder what is with these silly Christian comments, since they have got nothing to do with Ergun Caner's lies and made-up stories about his background as a "devout" Muslim (which he is so obviously was certainly not). But I will respond to these polemics:

    1. Muhammad s.a.w.s. is in his grave, Jesus a.s. is not.

    Response: Yes, we Muslims believe this all this while and have NEVER taken Jesus a.s. as a half-naked man-god swinging from a cross. So suck on that!

    2. "I am the way the truth and life".

    Ironically, Muslims believe this as well but we never claim that Jesus a.s. is the DESTINATION, only GOD ALMIGHTY is the destination. Jesus a.s. is "the way" in the sense that his message will lead the way to God, not that he himself is God!

    3. Crucifixion.

    Nobody said that the crucifixion never took place. The Qur'an certainly said that the crucifixion took place, but it was NOT Jesus a.s. that was crucified and that it was "made to appear so unto them" that it seemed that Jesus a.s. was the "crucified" person at the cross. So all those testimonies about the crucifixion doesn't mean squat, because no Muslim would deny that the event took place, a Muslim will only deny that the person who was crucified is Jesus!

  • ARNOLD - 11 years ago

    Off all the graves and tombstones.....only Jesus tomb is empty...Mohammad is in his grave...dead ...kaput. Whereas Christ is still alive. All of the other so called messengers or sages died...
    That is why JESUS CHRIST could boldly say in the scriptures...I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE other so called messenger could proclaim that. ACCORDING to scriptures JESUS LIVED A PURE LIFE.....Even Pilate said ...I find no FAULT IN HIM...IF PILATE WHO KNEW HIM, COULD NOT FIND FAULT IN HIM, HOW CAN YOU WHO DON'T KNOW HIM SPEAK OTHERWISE...

  • MG - 12 years ago

    Saying that Jesus did not claim to be the incarnate of God (God in the flesh) is nonsense. Mohammad, in the Quran, says that the phrase "Son of God" means a sexual offspring of God. That's a poor, poor understanding of that term. Also, the Quran says that Jesus was not crucified? Outside of the Scriptures, there were many who wrote about Jesus and His crucifixion (some of whom were aetheists) including:
    Pliny the Younger
    Lucian of Samosata

    Taking the Scriptures out of their cultural context, like you all are doing, is a detrimental mistake in your understanding of any and all of it.

  • mary - 12 years ago

    Honor[ Murders] Killings...Wife Beatings...Be-headings...Acid Burns...Suicide Bombers...
    ....He Alone Can Bring Peace To The World...He Alone Can Bring Peace To The World....

  • mary - 12 years ago

    Jesus ...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus... ...Jesus...Jesus... Jesus...

    Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus... He alone can bring peace to the world...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...


    Jesus... Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...He alone can bring peace to the world...Jesus...Jesus...Jesus...

    And He Will...And He Will...And He Will...And He Will...And He Will...And He Will...JESUS...

  • A nemesis of Satan - 12 years ago

    52 errors against him and only a swine would deny it...
    The Christians are born to deny the truth and accept Paul.

  • A Thinker - 12 years ago

    Q: How can even the christians ever say after seeing all of the videos that is an ex muslim?
    Ans: When they think a wacky religion like Christianity is the true religion, why not this?

    PS. NO!! Arab is converting to Christianity, but ask any Coptic priest and he'll tell you that Christians accept Islam 8 a day. It's even in YouTube. Moreover, they themselves accept that the converts to Christianity have done so only to gain more financial support from the church as well as go to the foreign countries. See,
    If you have the balls, which most Christians barely have.

  • anon - 12 years ago

    No one is killed for changing their religions from Islam to something else. it is a fake rumor. You guys are immature and stupid if you believe that bullshit ergun is spreading! I have been to the middle east and met people who converted.. surprise they were alive lol

  • Anon - 12 years ago

    Christians will go to any lengths to try to convert people. They will travel, they will, they will destroy other religions, just to get their point across. And they are the number one terrorists in todays world with having the most blood on their hands from all the holy wars, invading other countries (killing all the locals) and crusades. Read the bible, it is full of hate Revelations, Joshua, Levicticus

  • Anon - 12 years ago

    Christians will go to any lengths to try to convert people. They will travel, they will, they will destroy other religions, just to get their point across. And they are the number one terrorists in todays world with having the most blood on their hands from all the holy wars, invading other countries (killing all the locals) and crusades. Read the bible, it is full of hate Revelations, Joshua, Levicticus

  • mary - 12 years ago

    -I think that their are more fake muslims than you think....especially in the middle east where you can be murdered if you want to change your beliefs from islam to christianity....christianity is on the rise in these areas when they hear the truth of Jesus Christ for the first time....Oh the blood of Jesus, Oh the blood of Jesus , Oh the blood of Jesus it can set all free...

  • mary - 12 years ago

    Why don't the muslims with all the oil sell it like a good muslim should and take care of all the poor muslims in other areas.....Will your God punish the selfish muslims....If I were them I would try to help poorer muslims and then there would not be any poor muslims and they could live in these areas happily....Don't these muslims lie when they say they don't have the oil revenue to help poorer muslims? And don't the hadith condone telling a lie if you are scared for your life? A lie is a lie is a lie don't you agree. I guess your God excepts lies, honor killings, murder,cheating,rape, and whatever else is excepted by Him... as long as He gets the credit. What is wrong with this picture?

  • mary - 12 years ago

    You asked the question Did The canner brothers LIE? You want a yes or no answer? Well do muslims LIE yes or no.... Does your hadith condone lie telling? Lets take a POLL on this as well...Only yes or no please. Will all honest muslims take this poll as well as anyone else who have read the hadith? thank you

  • mary - 12 years ago

    Why don't the muslims with all the oil sell it like a good muslim should and take care of all the poor muslims in other areas.....Will your God punish the selfish muslims....If I were them I would try to help poorer muslims and then there would not be any poor muslims and they could live in these areas happily....Don't these muslims lie when they say they don't have the oil revenue to help poorer muslims? And don't the hadith condone telling a lie if you are scared for your life? A lie is a lie is a lie don't you agree. I guess your God excepts lies, honor killings, murder,cheating,rape, and whatever else is excepted by Him... as long as He gets the credit. What is wrong with this picture?

  • ShockandAwe - 12 years ago

    You Muslims are so pathetic.

    You can't face reality that your so called prophet was just a liar, who borrowed his so called revelations from Bible and Thora and added some Suras that pleased his sexual perversions (marrying his stepsons wife, pedophilia, Polygamy) and helped him ensure his growing power (he is the last messenger of God, killing of apostates).

    Your so called prophet was nothing more than a pedophile pervert, robbing caravans for a living and killing everybody who tried to hinder him.

    That are historic facts, none of you can't wash away.

    So you are following the word, or to be correct, the lies, of a criminal. Which says a lot about your so called religion (the correct term here is fascist ideology).

    You Muslims are such pathetic losers, name one contribution Islamic culture has made to mankind. One contribution that was not sacked from other cultures after enslaving them during the Islam was spread by the sword.

    Islam people only can live on western host nations, like parasites, because they are not able to invent own things. In Islamic countries people are starving or unhappy with their lives because they literally have to eat their own shit. And the countries with oil resources they have to sell oil, because they are too stupid to manage producing their own goods. And Muslim immigrants living in Western societies also fail...they fail to integrate and become welfare parasites. Muslim men are not able to feed their own family. How pathetic is that?

    And now continue to point with fingers at people who expose you.

  • march - 12 years ago

    the biggest liar in the world was muhammad.
    he was the satan's prophet.
    Jibril that he had said actually was indisguised satan.

  • jesus khan - 13 years ago

    lol..christians are using every possible means to prevent people from accepting long will they do it?a intelligent muslim will never accept Christianity...! he should kill himself or become atheist rather then accepting christianity..!

  • sah - 13 years ago

    I propose going into court of law against Canner brothers and Liberty University for seeking justice and stoppage of lies, gibberish, and hate mongering against Islam and Muslims. In Pakistan seeking such justice is easy and almost free, why not we go to their courts for relief ? System will pursue him ruthlessly.

  • Samir - 13 years ago

    Calling E. Michael Caner (a.k.a. Ergun "Mehmet" Caner, which is not his real name) just a "liar", is an understatement. IMHO he's a con artist.

  • Iranian Sunni - 13 years ago

    we have to face the reality, those who defend them are worse than him, for how can a sane man/woman still believe a WORD from a man who made up SENTENCES (Gibberish, lied about his birth place, up-bringing, let alone his ZERO knowledge in Islam, like "Ramadhan having 40 days lol). Ergun MICHEAL is a real low-life, and yes, there are ex-muslims out there, just as there are ex-christians, but Ergun certainly was not amongst the them (i.e. being an ex-muslim), for even the donkey of a muslim has more knowledge than Eger Micheal, the worshipper of a God that used to:

    -pray (to who?)
    -ride donkey

    i.e. Jesus son of Mary peace be upon him. Instead of worshipping the CREATOR of Jesus, the one to whom JESUS prayed TO, he prays to Jesus and on top of it he claims that he used to be a monotheist (Muslim). What a joke.

    MoKhan, bruv, trust me, your ajr is with your lord, never forget to expose these devils for his sake only, ikhlaas comes first, but know that you - one man-army - caused more damage to these cyber-crusaders like Ergun than an army could do. Envangelists are the biggest liars after qadianis and rafidis.

  • Ali Alibaba - 13 years ago

    Its so really pathetic to hear someone in such an elevated position as Ergun stoop so low. From lying about his background, his alleged earlier faith (Islam), and now even blanking his Wikipedia bio!

    God willing the general Christian community will awaken their eyes to Erguns mischeivous wrongdoings and take action! May God bless you Mo, and may you have a wonderful Ramadan month ahead! ;D

  • Anonymous - 13 years ago

    One of the biggest liars on earth who know's his errors and the consequences.

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