Should MSNBC fire Ed Schultz?


  • johnny - 12 years ago

    If Ed needs to be fired. All the reports on Fox should be let go as well. for their right wing bias and false reporting that they do. Example election night Rove disaster all of Hannity's terrible reporting and Riley's embarassing tantrum. I watch both channels Msnbc ad well as Fox. I look in Fox's reports eyes and I really see that they don't believe what they say. I feel bad that they can't report the truth.

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    I voted no only because if I put myself in MSNBC leadership's shoes, he seems to be doing as good a job as anyone in painting the picture of conservatives that they want to paint. If he's broken laws or broken his contract or something I think MSNBC should look into it, but otherwise I wouldn't fire him.

  • Jupitor - 13 years ago

    Leave him right where he is. Why risk getting him replaced with somebody competent?

  • Scott in Winter Haven - 13 years ago

    After seeing the poll results knowing that the The Blaze readers are mostly conservative I wonder what the precentage would be for Sgt. Shultz gettting fired from MSNBC for his idiotic liberal bias rather than making a dishonest edited tape.

  • Paul - 13 years ago

    Please Homer, do tell of these "lies" you speak of. Open ended accusations hold no water anymore.

  • Homer - 13 years ago

    Y'all don't have a problem when Ol' stinking ass Limburger is rantin' an raving. The American way, I thought, is that "what's good for goose is good for the gander" - however, we must assume that, that only applies when those talking heads are coming from the far right. It's just fine when they get on their soap boxes spreading lies, like a dog frothing from the mouth.

    But then, if we consider the source, what more can we expect?

  • MeisterGilly - 13 years ago

    Not "selectively edit video to make their broadcast even more biased" but more biased AND flagrantly dishonest.

  • ronnie10 - 13 years ago

    Special Ed only has about 12 listeners (on a good night). It takes him a year to match the number of listeners Sean or Rush have in an hour.

  • Sean Patriot - 13 years ago

    Throw hisass into a woodchipper face first

  • Big Ray - 13 years ago

    To all adunlt males entering middle age. take testosterone suppluments. Sgt. Shultz is an example of what happens when your balls shrink up and die.

  • jim - 13 years ago

    Ed has clearly crossed the line. This is intent to defame - not a mistake and I hope they sue the crap out of them

  • Larry Wright - 13 years ago

    Hell no he shouldn't be fired. He's the MOUTH of the Democrat party! Bring him on! He should get a raise. Why, he's the best and brightest they've got! Let the country see him in all his glory.

    Anybody who follows him or gives him any weight at all is already a tin foil hat wacko anyway.

    Only stop giving him free air time. He'll say anything to get some attention. His right to free speech doesn't mean he has a right to fill my ear.

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