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Are households with one parent bad for children?

Total Votes: 102

  • j Eliot - 13 years ago

    The former commentator is extremely rare and did well w/the children. Statistics don't agree w/ that however. Since time immemorial we have learned that marriage between a man & woman, then children,with the man as head of the family makes for a firm foundation. Not 100 %--nothing is! Ask an elementary teacher about the observations she/he sees in the classroom re children from broken homes--divorced & single parents --it's not a pretty picture. The modern day media illistrations are deceiving with everybody smiling big--jumping around everywhere---laughing with an overload of self-esteem--a picture or drawing can be made into ANYTHING! In reality, those little people have a very hard time adjusting to one parent in the home and the other one in another house and being bounced around from house to house with perhaps other children that are not their siblings & perhaps a "live in" woman or man--that's a major adjustment. A man or woman can find another love BUT the children hurt for their natural mother and father and can't replace them. CHILDREN ARE ALWAYS THE VICTIM IN A BROKEN MARRIAGE.

  • JPB - 13 years ago

    I was with my ex 6 1/2 yrs before we had the first of two amazing children. When things didnt work out , I was left with 100% responsibility of raising these kids ,financially and emotionally. I often had to work two jobs but managed to raise these two children into adulthood with responsibility, honesty, morals, intelligence, teamwork . Both are active in causes, vote, have jobs and one speaks 3 languages. I didnt plan on doing it myself but when the other parent chooses to be a non active member of the family we created, what I did was create a positive , nurturing enviroment . If you want to know the weight of the world, ask a single mom/dad who isnt financially fit yet takes the responsibility seriously. If your fortunate enough to remain happily married , count your blessings, but please don't pass judgement on something you can't imagine just how unbelievably difficult it is to not have support on the daily decisions raising children, while digging deep enough to find the confidence to follow through.

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