When the Big Brother 9 season began, who did you think we'd see in the final 3? Please select your 3, then click vote.


  • brownbear86 - 16 years ago

    i have to agree with todd that James looked like a clear front runner at first. i personally thought sharon would win, but with her partner it was impossible so she wasn't in my top three. i would have said James, Ryan, and Joshuah. once sharon came back i thought it would be James, Sharon, and Joshuah

  • Todd - 16 years ago

    3 Names for you to justify my saying I pegged Josh as a strong competitor from the start: Bunky, Marcellas, Dustin. Most years there is a very strong homosexual competitor that makes some big waves and carries it pretty far into the game. When Josh walked in I knew he was that guy, and at the least would be on the jury, which he is. Alex was partnered with Amanda, so she was only able to be as strong as she was due to her partner. And yes, James seemed like the kind of person that was friendly enough, and at the same time deceptive enough to go far. And with the exception of Alex (who was only voted out due to his partner) my choices all made it significantly far in the game. So who's the liar now?

  • Wee Todd - 16 years ago

    James?? Alex?? Joshuah?? Ya freakin' liars.

    In the beginning, Parker, Jen, & Amanda looked super strong and in the mold of previous HGs that did well. Who knew they were all psychos with no game???

  • justin - 16 years ago

    yeah right 20 percent of you said james...my arse......no one was tooting his horn till about 4 weeks in........

  • Todd - 16 years ago

    How are so many people actually saying that they thought they would see Adam in the final 3 when the season began? The first week of the show Adam and Sheila were targeted because of the constant bickeringwith Sheila who hated him, he had his "retard" comment, and in general was not endearing himself to well to the houseguests. I think peoplel missed the point of the question "when the BB9 season began..." Its the first impression of who you thought the strongest players were goign to be in the end. Myself: Alex, Josh, and James. Strictly based on first impressions.

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