Of the remaining HGs, who is your ideal Final 3? Please select 3, then click vote.

Select up to 3 answers.


  • Tyler - 13 years ago

    I hope Kalia or Porsche win in the Final 2 against Adam!

  • Roz - 13 years ago

    I cannot understand why anyone would want Jord to win anything. She talks about other floaters, she is the biggest floater of all. She did absolutely nothing game. No cooking, nocleaning, given a HOH in her lap. She sucked onto Jeff this whole time. Now she is doing it to Rach. She couldn't hang on to Jeff the dummy. Her arms hurt, so did everyone elses. She really doesn;t deserve to win. She would win if it were a contest to play with her hair. and pretty doesn't make you a BB winner.

  • Jenna - 13 years ago

    Go Team JAR!!!! (Jordan-Adam-Rachel)
    For BB13 (Big Brother Season #13) I want the winners to be...
    1st Place: Rachel
    2nd Place: Jordan
    3rd Place: Adam
    This would make me a very happy girl! LOL

  • Kris - 13 years ago

    Hey Larry,

    If you think the show is done and hate everyone on it so bad then don't watch it.
    Keep negative comments to yourself, it makes you look foolish.

  • maya - 13 years ago

    I hope that Jordan wins. I can't root for Rachel because i really feel that she is using jordan to be popular. I can't forget all the lies and shit talking she did about J & J. It was rachel and brendon's idea first to BD jeff. Then they chicken out and threw Dani under the bus, and said it was dani's idea. When B and R came up with it first. And how about Rachel saying that jeff was inappropriate with her, when she was in the shower LOL. Jeff hated her, the only resason he told her she looked better without makeup, was because jordan told him to be nice. And the how about giving brendon a BJ while jordan was sleeping in the room. She is just nasty, i hope america is not buying it. Go Jordan!

  • Leesa - 13 years ago

    I cannot believe all the Rachel nay-sayers! I wasn't too keen on her last season, but she fought hard to stay. This season she has tried to tone down her emotions and shown loyalty to someone other than herself and Brendon. She competes to win and she has been one of the main targets ALL season and she is still in this game. I do not know why people call them stupid or floaters when they are still in the house, they must be doin something right! GO JORCHEL!!!!

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    I will bet my next pay check that Rachel will win NOTHING! Other than what they are paying her to come back and be her stupid self.Her and Porsche have to be sisters as stupid as they are. BB, must have really been desparate to come up with all these loser's. The show is done if this is all they can come up with. Too bad.

  • Larry - 13 years ago

    I will bet my next pay check that Rachel will win NOTHING! Other than what they are paying her to come back and be her stupid self.Her and Porsche have to be sisters as stupid as they are. BB, must have really been desparate to come up with all these loser's. The show is done if this is all they can come up with. Too bad.

  • katie - 13 years ago

    Between everyone left in the house my vote would go to Rachel to win. She wins comps and she's a great player. She's been the biggest target and somehow she's still there.

  • BB17Mike - 13 years ago

    If Rachel makes it to the final two with someone like Adam, she will definitely win. She would have Brendon, Jeff, Jordan and Daniele (who said she would never have Adam win). As much as I like Jordan, I need her to go to jury so Rachel has another vote in the finals. If she is there with Kalia or Porsche, she would only need one more vote! GO RACHEL!

  • Stacey - 13 years ago

    I would throw up if RACHEL won, she is such a bitch to everyone, she does not deserve the win, and no one but Brendon is gonna vote for her anyway, so she would be lucky to win 2nd place ( I hope not though).... And as far as Jordan, I like her I just think that someone else should win, she has already had her Big Payday!!

  • Dora - 13 years ago

    If any of the newbies win that would be an outrage!!! They are terrible!!!! I wanted Jeff to win more than anything, but since he can't now, I would like to see Jordan win. She would share the money with Jeff because she is a fantastic human being!!!!!!

  • Dulcet - 13 years ago

    RACHEL FTW!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyy :-)

  • melissa - 13 years ago

    I love Jorchel, and I want Rachel to win it allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. GOOOOOOOOO RACHEL =D

  • Stacey - 13 years ago

    Why would you guys want to hand the vets a win, especially Jordan, cuz she would totally win in the end against anyone. She already won let someone else (not Rachel) win BB. LOVE THE WEBSITE!!! IT'S AWESOME!!

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