Will Adam Throw Ryan Part 3 of the Final HoH, allowing Ryan to choose who accompanies him to the Final 2?


  • Kara - 16 years ago

    It would be foolish of Adam to throw HOH at this point in the game. Ryan could suddenly decide that Sheila would better ensure him a win and choose her for final two. Why put your fate in someone else's hands when you can choose the outcome yourself? Natalie did this and it got her backdoored. Hopefully Adam is smart enough not to do the same.

  • Kitty - 16 years ago

    Unfortunately I don't think Adam is throwing HOH! You can't tell what he is thinking - he tells everyone what they want to hear. Stupid stupid Ryan is going to regret trusting him. Should of listened to Sharon.

    Actually, he should of kept Natalie - i think that was his BIGGEST mistake!!

    Carolyn, I am on this website everyday! I love it. too addicted! :)

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