In the event Adam doesn't throw Part 3 of the final HoH and wins it, who will he bring with him to Final 2?


  • Kitty - 16 years ago

    I agree about Ryan. He is such a fool not to vote Adam out if he wins HOH!!! He thinks they're "boys" and such but little does he know. You'd think he'd smarten up considering how many times Adam has screwed him before.... You just know Adam is going to go with Sheila - like he said "Til death do we part..."
    Oh Ryan - I had such high hopes for you

  • Wee Todd - 16 years ago

    Ryan is a douche. Adam would be an idiot not to take Sheila. It's a guaranteed win. And as much of a complete tool Ryan is, he'd be much more of a close vote. Ryan needs to leave with nothing but his doucheosity. Pull up your pants, quit whistling anytime you do anything, and cut back to 50 "ya knows" per sentence you fat, huffing-while-walking-from-one-room-to-the-next moron.

  • Luna Cat - 16 years ago

    I fear that he will take Shelia, but I really want him to take Ryan. He owes Ryan. Plus his best bet to win is Ryan. He threw Ryan under the bus with Nat, so there goes Nat, and Matts vote for Adam. Shelia would vote for Adam, and James *which means Chelsea* would vote for adam. With Shelia it's up in the air. James promised that if Shelia made it to the end, he would campaign for her to win, and I think James has that kind of power over his evil doers. The only votes I don't see her having is Nat, Possibley Matty, and Ryan...though Ryan may vote for her, because Adam is a spineless liar.

  • Kara - 16 years ago

    I voted "The Guineas".... The truth is, I really don't know who he'll take. Adam's been playing both sides lately and anyone could get it. If he's smart, he'll choose Sheila. She doesn't have many supporters in Sequester and it would be a guaranteed win on his part. I don't think Ryan would win if he and Adam were paired but it is a possibility.

  • Laura - 16 years ago

    As much as i'd like to see Adam take Ryan, I think he'll take Shelia.
    Which is unfortunate.

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