Of the Remaining alphabetically listed HGs, which 2 would you most like 2 see in the Final 2? Please pick 2, then click vote.

Select up to 2 answers.


  • wow - 13 years ago

    No name that was mean, but melissa don't call people names. A negative plus a negative is not going to help. ANYWAY GO PORSCHE!!

  • melissa - 13 years ago


  • melissa - 13 years ago

    @ NO NAME...... YOU SUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • no name - 13 years ago

    first of all i got something to say to some of these comments. Rodney get ur head out of Jordan's butt because she absolutely doesn't deserve to win anything, she sucks,and so does Rachael.Melissa same goes to you. Why would you give anything to someone who was rude to everyone. She played an awful social game, and complained about everyone else's actions even though she did things ten times worse?Maya your half right.Rachael sucks, but Jordon should not win.Derek you suck.Kyle shut up.Lillian, she is a good competitor,but where does it say in BB history that the winner has to have the worst social game ever.Don, rachael sucks, but Porcshe kind of deserves it, not a 100%.Stone you make me sick, don't talk anymore,cause you suck. Chelle i don't even want to talk about you. Rodney sorry but your girl stupid is GONE!!! hahaha! in your face punk. i-chillin sames go to you about Rachael.Kathleen you are as much as a switcher than Adam, shut your mouth before you day something stupid,oh too late! Alex nicole, i am ignoring you. Last but not least,Tim you are my favorite person on this comments page so far, you make sense. GO PORSCHE!!! SHOVE IT, TO ALL THESE PEOPLE ON THE COMMENTS PAGE WHO ARE jORDAN AND RACHAEL FANS. YOU SUCK!

  • Tim - 13 years ago

    How are Porsche and Adam floaters when not counting Final 3 hoh they have all won the same amount of competitions and won them when it mattered for their game lol.

  • Alex Nicole :) - 13 years ago

    Rachel you deserve too win over Porch& Adam, there a bunch of fricken floaters. she won basicallly everythingg. when we all thought she was done for and gonna go home she didnt, and look at her now she in the top 3 :) im soo proud of her she realllly should win. i voted fore her to win 25,000 she deserves it soo bad dude. rachel's hatters are just jealous of her cuz she soo pretty and a good competitor. WE ALLL LOVE YOU RACHEL :)

  • Kathleen - 13 years ago

    At one time I pulled for Danielle but her nastiness and that smirk on her face made me switch to the other side. Now I am pulling for Rachel to win it all as she is a fighter who deserves to win, especially over Adam and Prosche. Rodney, in case you didn't know, Porsche, Rachel and Jordan all three had breast implants and they recently discussed their surgeries on the live feeds.

    GO RACHEL!!!

  • Rodney - 13 years ago

    Rachel has got her act together, and like I said, she is one hell of a competitor. She has improved somewhat personality wise, but not significantly so. I know the game isn't about looks or personality. It's about competitiveness, social game, and strategizing. Rachel is a master competitor and a good strategy-maker, but, as I said before, her social game isn't good. Dick was a complete ****hole in BB8, but everyone (me included) loved him, and I always thought it was because his antics were so irritating and that his gameplay was phenomenal. Rachel posses the same "skills" as Dick (to a slightly lesser extent), but exhibits a MUCH higher level of arrogance. I'm sure that NOBODY here likes to listen to her talk.

    And now for the (mostly) unbiased portion of my rant:
    Rachel and Jordan will most likely be Final 2, assuming that one of them will be the sole voter in the next eviction. I strongly believe that Porsche and Adam will be the last two evicted, in that order, just because they are at a competitive disadvantage. I'm pretty sure that Rachel will win the last HoH.
    So here are my predictions for jury votes, assuming I am correct about the order of eviction:
    Brendon - Rachel
    Danielle - Rachel
    Jeff - Jordan
    Shelley - Jordan
    Kalia - Jordan
    Porsche - not really sure about this one, but I'm gonna say: Rachel
    Adam - Jordan

    So yeah basically the jury will decide between a great competitor (Rachel) and a great social player (Jordan). The decision is not as easy/obvious as it may seem.

  • i-chillin - 13 years ago

    Go Rach----Rachel, the only real competitor in the BB House Season 13. Against all odds, people harassing her, losing Brendon to jury, Rach perservered and will WIN.

  • Chelle - 13 years ago

    After reading post above...Rachel plays much better without Brenden around. Jordan may seem carried by Rachel now but Jordan saved Rachel's butt when Brenden left and everyone wanted to kill her. Jordan is a good social player and has won this game before, you may be able to float through a game once but not twice, it's gameplay!! They both helped each other and deserve finals.

  • Chelle - 13 years ago

    Rachael has improved her image this year and she deserves to be in final 2, as for Jordan, I would like her to be there too. Adam has proved himself by sticking to his alliancevand by winning comps so if he makes it to end that's fine too... Just get rid or Porsche

  • Dulcet - 13 years ago


  • melissa - 13 years ago

    Stone, you are sooooooooooooooooo right !!!!!

  • Stone - 13 years ago

    I haaaaaaated Rachel from the start. I couldn't stand looking at her, listening to her diary room sessions or cheering Brendan on, and watching her tearlessly fake cry.

    Right now, I can't help but to be her biggest fan! She's playing a solid game, both physically and socially. She is a serious BB monster that can not be stopped -- Janelle who? I've seriously misjudged her as a person, and hope that she has many more converts like me.

    Jordan has a heart of gold, and is deserving of the 50 grand, but it will be Rachel carrying her across that finish line. She was Jordan's rock when she (Jordan) had a meltdown after the betrayal. I firmly believe Jordan would probably not be here without Rachel 2.0.

    It would really be a travesty to award anyone but Rachel that half-million at this point. Think of the odds and obstacles that she had to overcome to still be there. Who would have thought that ultimate gamble of Brendan taking her instead of himself off the block would push her into final 4 --- HOLY SH*T!

  • Don - 13 years ago

    I voted for Porsche and Rachel. I can't believe I'm actually hoping Rachel wins. She's the only one still in the house that is playing the game.

  • Lillian - 13 years ago

    Since when is this about whose pretty and whose nice? If it comes down to who PLAYED the best, the winner should be Rachel. You don't think Rachel should win because she's ugly..? She's not ugly, and that's just wrong.

  • Kyle - 13 years ago

    I don't care. I just want the vets in the F2

  • Derek - 13 years ago

    Yeah Rodney, you're very wrong about Rachel! Rachel is the most deserving out of anyone left! However if Rachel gets evicted, I would love to see Jordan win again as well.

  • maya - 13 years ago

    I want Jordan too win...i can't stand that ugly fake beast Rachel. GO JORDAN

  • melissa - 13 years ago

    WOW Rodney, angry much??? I think you are DEAD wrong about Rachel....DEAD wrong, she deserves to be the WINNER of this season, hands down !!!!!

  • Rodney - 13 years ago

    Oh, God the leftover BB13 cast is aweful! (Well, MAYBE not Jordan)

    Rachel - good competitor, god aweful social game. She is a total ***** who is full of herself and thinks she owns the house. Every time I see her talk on TV, my ears bleed. I hope she gets evicted next week. She doesn't even deserve to be on the jury, let alone one of the Final 2 prizes.

    Jordan - relatively bad as a competitor, excellent social game, and totally nice (at least to those who don't backstab her, like Shelley). However, being nice to people doesn't exactly mean that she really deserves the grand prize. However, out of the Final 5, she is definitely the most deserving out of those five, for playing an honest and good social game if anything.

    Kalia - lazy, bad social game, rides coattails, half-decent competitor, and plain stupid as far as strategizing goes.

    Porsche - bad competitor, relatively NO social game, rides coattails, can't do anything for herself, and chooses to stay aligned with lazy Kalia after Danielle's eviction..........need I say more?

    Adam - MEGAfloater, disloyal, aweful competitor, no social game. Obviously doesn't deserve to win

    I was hoping this season would be another Dick & Danielle Final 2, and after Dick left, I was hoping for Danielle & Dominic Final 2. Honestly, the only HGs this season that arean't horrendously horrible game players are: Dominic, Danielle, Jordan, and Jeff. I would have included Dick if he hadn't left.

    Bottom line: they all suck. But I still hope Jordan wins because among these losers, she is the cream of the crop.

  • melissa - 13 years ago


  • Tyler - 13 years ago

    I voted for Kalia and Porsche :)

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