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Is Miley Cyrus a good role model?


  • lunadinh - 12 years ago

    Miley U rock. And all u FUCKING haters should shut ur mouth up

  • Ink-Chick - 13 years ago

    First off: Hannah Montana was a fictional character just like every other Disney character portrayed on the Disney Channel. For all of those who looked up to her, Hannah Montana is still a good girl going off to college with her best friend leaving behind Paris. That's where Hannah left off and that's where she'll forever be because the series is OVER!

    Miley played a character like any actor does but b/c she played it for so long people are confusing Miley & Hannah as one. When we see Brad Pitt we don't call him by one of his "character names" but instead comment on a ROLE he played. Why should it be any different w/ any actor regardless of age or what channel their role happened to be played on. Her contract w/ Disney is done, she's a young adult now and she's living her own life. I say bravo to her for expressing herself, doing what she wants regardless of all the idiots expressing a shaking head accompanied by a tisking finger point. She's growing up, it's apart of life and if you can truly say that you will NEVER take a picture like hers... you're straight out liars. Get over her character, she's an intelligent business woman who had no time to be herself & a provocative photo doesn't mean she's a "slut" or a "whore"... it just means she's coming of age & comfortable in her skin. Don't hate someone's advancements in life of loving themselves b/c you still haven't found the ability to do so yourself.

    I say rock on Miley, enjoy being young b/c it only happens once and live your life how you want b/c no one can do it for you. Fuck all the morons in the world who have something negative to say, no matter what actions you take in life there will always be a someone w/ a mindless opinion ready to bash.

  • aj - 13 years ago

    i'm not really sure!miley you want people to stop thinking the wrong things,don't ya!then please show them the real miley cyrus i looked up to as a little girl saying "i wanna be just like hannah montana coz sge's a gud girrl n i like her because she has a nice voice i have one too!n i'll achieve my dreams of being a singer like she is,someday!"i mis her! but where is she?

  • Gemzy1234 - 13 years ago

    She is such a bad role model she is barely an adult !!! she dresses like she is 25 its too racy she need to get a life and stop playing with herself

  • Anonymous - 13 years ago

    In my opinion, Miley is one of the worst role model. But I think the worst is the following:
    1.Lindsay Lohan
    2.Britney Spears
    3.Miley Cyrus

  • Juliana - 13 years ago

    Si Miley es la persona mas honesta, no es una falsa entre tantas famosas.
    Bien por miley!

  • biebers16 - 13 years ago

    My opinion is that it seems a bad example and not taylor selena say will be a great example, but they care a little more in his image and so are very quiet in his career, it seems to me that has something against every time he speaks selena attacks it in a magazine, she does not care if your image does not attack the other for care of their image is not the fault of selena and taylor who want to make a healthy career and without scandal if she does not like how they manage their careers will not have so many millions with his acitud and scandals, and never saw any pictures of almost naked selena is a very talented girl and is a genius, but I think that is going the way of lindsay lohan I do not think get very far with this actictud

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