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Would you support a ban on the Pledge Of Allegiance in schools?


  • Reply - 13 years ago

    Hey Sam you forgot to say, Don't let the door hit them in where the sun don't shine on the way out!!!

  • Pat - 13 years ago

    This reminds me of two things. When cousins from Toronto moved temporarily to California many years ago, they came home and asked their parents if they should recite the pledge at school, since they were not Americans. Their parents said YES, while you are living in America, albeit for two years, and you need to show your respect to this country and to your fellow students. Recite the pledge. Yes, it is all about respect and that is what is missing today. Parents do not understand nor teach the concept of respect to their kids. My grandparents were immigrants to this country and my husband's parents as well. They came to the US willingly and adopted this country, its flag and its mores and taught their kids respect and duty and honor. It scares me that there is even one set of parents who do not think that this is paramount.

  • SusanLMC - 13 years ago

    "...with liberty and justice for all." So where is the "liberty" for students who WANT to recite the Pledge? I am sure these people have not turned down any of the freedoms and opportunities this GREAT country has to offer. I am embarrassed that this story originates in Massachusetts. This group should direct their energy to help people and causes that really need help - how about addressing homelessness and hunger or does Brookline not have people at risk? Probably not as" interesting" or controversial or headline-grabbing. And as far as the use of "under God" in the Pledge, we have strayed so far and need to get back to values that really matter ..... so many politicians end their speeches with "and God Bless America...." Well, God HAS blessed America....over and over and over again, I think a better call to action would be, "America, Bless God."

  • Susan - 13 years ago

    Sam, I couldn't have said it any better- love it or leave it!

  • American Man - 13 years ago

    Leave our country then! Everyone should be proud to say these words. Go somewhere else.

  • Sgt - 13 years ago

    Amazing even after the attacks on this country they are still pushing for changes. First it was taking prayer out of school and then the moment of silence. But I bet the first words out of their mouth the day we were attacked was "OH MY GOD".. I am with Sam just as you have the freedom to live here you are more than free to leave we won't lock you in. Try living in a country where there are no freedoms for awhile and then come back and talk to me. Have some respect for all those who continue to fight and keep our borders safe so idotic suggestions such as this can even be brought to the attention of the American people. This nation was founded as ONE UNDER GOD - oh well you don't like it then leave...the MAJORITY RULES and the majority has respect and love for their country.

  • Marvin Dorfman - 13 years ago

    If they want to ban showing respect for this country, let them go somewhere else and try to protest there. I would go so far as to make the pledge of allegiance mandatory just to teach some patriotism, respect and pride for what we have and where we live. I grew up pledge allegiance in school along with a great many other people in the 1950's and it did not do me or any of the people around me any harm, maybe it made us better.
    As far as I am concerned, the people that want to ban the pledge should pack a bag and go some where else to live.

  • Louis - 13 years ago

    It's simple!

    "The American Flag, love it or leave it"

  • chuck heshion - 13 years ago

    How Dare they, they want the benifits this country has to offer but they do not want to support it. GREAT as long as do not want to pledge, pledge to reneg the benefits this country has to off to both legal AND UN LEGAL

  • DAVE - 13 years ago

    We all must do things in life thst we may not belive in, that is just the way it is.
    It would not kill anyone to say the pledge. If you want to live here, teach your children
    the right thing, or move to a country where you don't have to.

  • John - 13 years ago

    Couldn't have said it better Sam. I give full support to your comment and the pledge itself.

  • Cynthia Hill - 13 years ago

    If you wish to live in this great Country, start showing her respect.

    I'm so tired of these wingnuts who like to get some media attention - ok, you had your moment, now go away.

  • Linda - 13 years ago

    Brookline PAX , stop the idiocy and thoughtlessness now, how shameful. Never take the Pledge of Allegiance out of American Schools!

  • Chris - 13 years ago

    It's not about pride of the U.S.A. It's about the use of "God" in the pledge. Not everybody believes in God and a government organization shouldn't push God on anyone. Would people start losing respect for the U.S.A. if they didn't have to say the Pledge? Of course not, they may however lose respect in the U.S.A. once they see how disfunctional and corrupt our elected officials are. Times have changed, create a new pledge or get rit of it.

  • sam - 13 years ago

    Don't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance? No problem. This is truly a free country. We are not holding you here against your will. You are free to leave, so hit the road for a place that you like better!

  • barbara - 13 years ago

    Bullied into saying the Pledge of Allegiance?!!?!!? Any American should be proud to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • pat - 13 years ago

    Shame on parents who are pushing for this ban. What are they teaching their children? We are living in the greatest country on earth and if we all cannot pledge our allegiance to it, we do not deserve to live here.

  • Brian - 13 years ago

    No Pledge... No funding with my tax money.

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