Do You Agree With Huntington's Three Year Extension?


  • Fred - 14 years ago

    There is very little positive results on the major league level. The farm system though improved, will be of little help in the next couple of years. The team lacks in coaches who are able to instruct the youth to get them ready for the major league level. With no proven track record to start with, how can ownership continue the on the job training for the general manager. He lacks in the ability to identify major league talent and continues to throw money at prospects in hopes of some return.

  • Bill - 14 years ago

    MR304, if you are truely a Pirates fan, how can you say he traded away those players for next to nothing? Jose Bautista was a below ML average players when traded, who passed through waivers in order to be traded, so there were 30 other teams that saw nothing in him. The Bay trade was bad, I'll give you that, but it is evened out by the Nady/Marte deal. The McLouth deal was a steal for the Pirates, evening out the deal for Freddy Sanchez, factoring those 2 together Neil still made out. Considering Mike Gonzalez' injuries, even with Adam LaRoche being about average that deal works to Neil's advantage. Overall I would say Neil has performed decent when making trades, his signing of FA's is horrible, then again, I don't think any decent FA would sign with Pittsburgh even if we were to overpay to the tune of Jason Werth type money for a Jason Werth type player. His drafting prowess is still to be evaluated, but most experts and prognosticators seem to think he has done well.
    Now, all that being said, I am not sure he has done well enough to earn 3 years, but he has done well enough to not have to worry about a contract next season, so I could see 2 years with a team option, he got 3 with a team option.
    Cardsfan123, uuhhh, don't you guys have enough to worry about without worrying about the Pirates? You need to sign Albert Pujols and tap out your budget so that you may continue to hover just above .500 for many seasons to come. Congrats for being able to continually finish in 2nd place in the worst division in baseball.

  • MR304 - 14 years ago

    I am a Pirates fan and I strongly disagree with the extension. Why? Jose Bautista, Jason Bay, Mike Gonzalez, Freddy Sanchez, Nate McClouth are just a few names of players who have been traded for basically nothing in return. He has shown some signs of promise the past two years but im not betting on him. 1 year maybe 2 i would possibly sign but not 3 year extension he has overstayed his welcome in the Pirates organization

  • CardsFan123 - 14 years ago

    If you are a Pirates fan, please switch your team. How many consecutive seasons have they finished last in the NL Central? Think about it. The Cardinals and, I'm sad to say it but, the Cubs, better than them. Neal Huntington does not deserve an extension. Go out and get Jim Hendry. He's looking for work. At least he'd get you a big name free agent. Maybe even Prince Fielder. But your team SUCKS!

  • RAS TN - 14 years ago

    Obviously anyone one voting YES has neither seen the team play or really knows anything about baseball. The Pirates are if not the worse team in baseball not far from it.

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