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How Do You Remember School Cafeteria Pizza?

Total Votes: 1,756

  • Rebecca - 13 years ago

    Because I went to Catholic elementary school, our cafeteria was run by awesome old Italian ladies and we didn't get much from the government. Therefore, pizza day, Johnny marzetti day, and spaghetti and meatsauce day were AWESOME. As an adult, I still have not found pizza crust that compares with what these ladies served us. So lucky. I then went to public high school and the pizza was a cardboard square with a cup of grease on top. So sad.

  • Mekanixlabs - 13 years ago

    For god only knows what reason we also put the corn on the pizza but also dribbled French dressing on it and folded it like a burrito. I can't remember what it tasted like and I'm pretty sure there's no way in hell I'd try that now (although....) but all the kids in my school did it.
    I will say though when I'm feeling naughtily nostalgic I'll grab a Totino's from the freezer section, sans dressing of course.

  • Sabrina - 13 years ago

    Oh gawd it was horrible. Ketchup on cardboard with a little sawdust dyed to look like cheese for flavor. Yuck!!! When I got to HS the local Dominos was contracted to provide pizza every day in the commons. It was much more edible.

  • oldelady - 13 years ago

    Unfortunately school lunch in New England did not include such exotic things as pizza in the mid 40's to mid 50's. Didn't even know there was such a thing until the early 60's.

  • Suzanne - 13 years ago

    French bread pizza was the absolute BEST!

  • jpc - 13 years ago

    We lucked out - the school had it brought in from a local pizzeria - on fridays - very good experience - NYC style - the good ol' days

  • mbach - 13 years ago

    In elementary school I used to take the corn, pile it on the square pizza, fold, and enjoy. It's a struggle to recreate that taste sensation at home.

  • Amstrad - 13 years ago

    I don't know how it happened, but for whatever reason when I was in middle school my school's pizza day was pizza from the local Pizza Hut. I doubt they still do it but it was incredible.

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