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If you were on the BB13 Jury, which of the final 3 HGs would have your vote for the 500k, no matter who they sit next to at final 2?

Total Votes: 2,447

  • Marielle - 13 years ago

    Rachel was great. She loves Brendon. It is very clear that she is excited about getting married. Rachel had a fun competitive personality. It was nice that way she was true to her boyfriend.

    One of the posters mentioned they liked Danielle better. Well, in 2007 Danielle was living with her boyfriend when she went on the show. On national TV she was cheating on her live in boyfriend with "Nick". This year it was "Dominick" that she liked for a short time.

    Also, Danielle has made it clear that she does not even like her own father. Rachel loves her family. Rachel loves her family and her in laws to be. During the show, Shelly had lied about Rachel. Later , I think that is why Shelly decided to vote for Rachel.

    I think Rachel made the show. She had a strong honest personality. No, she was not perfect. No one is perfect. Danielle was just mean. I am glad Danielle lost.

  • no name - 13 years ago

    Thats bricks, you rule. SHUT UP MELISSA!!!

  • Bricks - 13 years ago

    Seriously? I don't get it. Why do people like her? Besides the rather sad notion that she makes for what constitutes "good tv" (and I use the term loosely) I don't see how so many people could be rooting for her. Now if CBS could have given Dani a mulligan instead of Brendon, I'd still be watching BB. Hopefully next season they'll go back to a cast of just newbies.

  • melissa - 13 years ago


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