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Is Palm Beach County holding back Hispanic students?

Total Votes: 75

  • realist - 13 years ago

    The schools where the Hispanics came from place 100% of thier energy on Hispanics. Look how good those schools are!

  • Mimi - 13 years ago

    All this talk about special services for Hispanic students leaves me shaking my head. The school system is chronically short of money for even a basic education, yet you want the district to provide expensive "services" to Hispanics? My great grandparents didn't get any special services when they emigrated here a couple generations ago. The kids went to school, struggled at first, yet learned English in a year or two out of desire and necessity. Their parents encouraged them.

    Many, not all of course, Hispanics emigrated here to the USA illegally. If you want to be here in the USA and make a success of your lives, learn English and help one another. Don't expect American society to give you special privileges if you refuse to assimilate. Your kids will always be outsiders if you keep demanding Hispanic based school services.

    I know some Hispanic families who still speak Spanish at home after 40 years in the USA. The kids have trouble in school because English is still a second language to them and the families identify themselves as Hispanic, not American. Whose fault is that?

  • Dennis - 13 years ago

    Well, there are black educators, principles and administrators. Is there any evidence that their presence has improved black scores and retention? If so, then by all means add on additional latino educators. If not, then hire the best you can regardless of race, creed or national origin. We hear the rhetoric, but what are the facts?

  • Jorge M - 13 years ago

    I have been a teacher for the past 6 years. I can attest that the school district can do more for Hispanic students. When you count the number of Hispanic students in the 9th grade cohort versus the number of students in the graduating cohort, it is evident that most Hispanic students drop out of school. This trend needs to change with a population that is:
    1) increasing daily
    2) usually from families with low socioeconomic statuses
    3) not exposed to an equitable array of services to become graduation-ready and college-ready
    We need to help them immediately.

    Concerned Hispanic Teacher and Parent,
    Speaks English,


  • Britney - 13 years ago

    In response to your comments Mr. Crocket, I am an educator (teacher) in the Palm Beach County School District for 8 years. I am also a researcher and I am currently pursuing a Doctorate in Education. When I write, I wear both hats. The children in our system today are the future of our country. What defines "America" today is a multitude of diverse students. In Palm Beach County, there needs to be a greater emphasis placed on minority stufents, especially the largely increasing Hispanic population, to ensure a stable economy. America is considered the land of opportunity - why not embrace our Hispanic students and treat them with the respect they deserve?

  • Davey Crocket - 13 years ago

    Britney,the first thing that tarnishes your credibility,is the fact that you refer to yourself as an educator and researcher. "Educators",tend to be people who lets say didn't thrive in the classroom atmosphere,or worse yet have never taught. Second,your second statement reads like a cliche,or jingoistic pan-latino campaign jargon. This is the United States,suppose you have a classroom minority of an Amazonian tribe,should we scour for a verbal history of great tribal role models , poets,and deep deep thinkers! Perhaps we should set a day aside where each student should come dressed or in the buff to celibrate diversity. Will failure to accomodate the poor little things scarr them into a life of crime. In reality ,indulging them will scarr them to a life of liberalistic, hand wringing, victimization You see,when people come to this country,they leave their previous country behind, THEY CHOOSE TO BE HERE. If one chooses to be here ,one also must adapt to the culture ones CHOOSES to immerse one's self in. There role models should not originate from a pion culture,where thye Magna Carta(very important piece of paper) is considered just another brand of beer.

  • Britney - 13 years ago

    As a current educator and avid researcher, the administration of a school should mirror its student population. I have seen administrators and teachers who have been culturally insensitive to the needs of Hispanic students in the School District of Palm Beach County. It is extremely important for children to see positive role models who look phenotypically like them. We also need to be aware that all children, including the rapidly increasing Hispanic subgroup, are the future of our nation. We as a county need to better equip Hispanic students to compete globally and build a strong future for themselves and our nation at large.

  • Al - 13 years ago

    Hey, I am Chinese, I don't see any one in the school board is Chinese. Should I cry about it? HELL NO!!! I have a family to take care of, and 2 children to raise. Most of Hispanic family (illegal Immigrants only), they have at least 4 kids or most. For God sake, my wife and I are making around $65,000/ year, and we are just barely made it to raise 2 kids. How in the world those family can raise 4 or more kids. Are they making over $100,000/year?

    The Hispanic needs to think of what is good for this country. Stop yelling "ME, ME, ME.....".

  • Debunker - 13 years ago

    There are so many things that go into the success of our students that it’s silly and simplistic to think that more emphasis on cultural history would make a huge difference to these students. These students (like all others) need a solid reason to remain in school, need their parents to set the example that education and a diploma is valuable, and apply themselves to the opportunities provided to them.

    Schools are responsible for providing an equal opportunity for all students regardless of their background. They are responsible for developing programs that provide instruction that is relevant to the student and their future employment. Beyond that it is up to the student.

  • Peace - 13 years ago

    I thought we were moving away from ethnicities and more towards we are all one nation. Instead of asking opinions, statistics could be used to find if having a board member or principal with the same ethnic background yields more improved scores for students of the same background. Only then will we know with certainty.

  • no speaky english - 13 years ago

    They hold themselves back, plain and simple!!! Learn the language here!!!! It's ENGLISH!!! This country needs to think more like the Australian Prime Minister!!!! Google her thoughts on terrorism, illegals and so forth. She is RIGHT ON!!!!!!

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