Do you/would you stay overnight in highway rest areas?


  • Joan - 13 years ago

    With my "Class "C" it's been an option when tired. However, in this situation, I've always slept "up top",in the over the cab bed. ( It's a good vantage point.) I never "advertised" that I was doing so. I kept the front window cover OFF and tv antenna down and keys by my side.This way it was easy to slip down into the driver's seat and take off if there were any doubts. This has proven to be a good idea, as there have been a couple of occasions where drug deals were "going down" and I decided to leave. Even traveling with a large dog helped, but since she's used to other campers close by, has even slept through one of my getaways.

  • Juliu - 13 years ago

    We have been full time about 7 years. We stay at rest stops, out of business, church and Walmarts parking lots about 40% of the time. We have an alarm on the door & we fold down the step cove to make it very high to floor from the ground. We have a NRA decal on our door! My wife & I have concealed carry license & our guns are in the bedroom at night.

  • Jaimie Hall Bruzenak - 13 years ago

    Mea culpa! You're right- she only received injuries. I should have reread the article before writing about it in my newsletter. Faulty memory. People have been killed in rest areas, though, it is not common. Jaimie

  • M Cochran - 13 years ago

    You might want to read “Could this accident have been avoided?” about a woman who was killed by a drunk driver while sleeping in her RV in a rest area before voting.

    I followed this link to the Nebraska newspaper and no where do I see the woman was killed ... she suffered a shoulder injury ... is this the same story as I followed the links and could see no where that anyone was killed.

  • Gail - 13 years ago

    Most rest areas we see are clearly marked "No overnight parking" and some of the unsavory characters you see in them, there is no way we would stay in one.

  • Liz - 13 years ago

    If I were too tired and needed a short nap or if the weather were bad and it was the closest option. If it raining too hard, or if in Texas or another drought area, it would be safer to pull over for a couple of hours so the rain could wash the oil, dirt, etc. off to make it safer. If it is still raining too hard, I would just sit it out longer. Of course, my doors are always locked when I enter my coach. That is one reason we bought a Class A. I also look to see what the truck drivers do. If it is raining really bad, they pull off to the rest areas. Sometimes, I have parked between the trucks - in the the parking lanes.

  • Susan - 13 years ago

    I have stayed in rest areas several times over the past few years. Most of them are pretty noisy, so this is not my favorite option. Only once did I feel uncomfortable about the situation and decided to leave.

  • Denise - 13 years ago

    I'd stay in a rest stop ONLY if I were too tired to drive any longer or had absolutely no other option. Otherwise I'm not comfortable in rest stops.

  • PnPSmith - 13 years ago

    TOTALLY dependent on location. We did so frequently as we drove through Canada to Alaska and back, but would MUCH rather find a WalMart parking lot while in the lower 48 unless we're 'way out in the desert southwest.

  • PnPSmith - 13 years ago


  • SueB - 13 years ago

    We have stayed in highway rest areas in the past, but not by choice. Rest areas on well traveled highways tend to be busy and noisy and not very restful. We much prefer pulling onto a little used road, byway or parking area well away from busy highways.

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