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If the election were held today, who would you vote for? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,725

  • Bloodshy - 13 years ago


    Your assessment is off for one big reason: The Evangelical vote that you say Romney would lose is all located in the South, where Republicans aren't challenged. All Romney-Obama head-to-head polls have Romney crushing Obama in ALL of the normal Republican states (the South), beating O decisively in the middle states (FL, NV, CO) and even bringing some traditionally Democrat states into play (MI, NH).

    As much as Evangelicals are anti-Mormon (and they are), they're more anti-Muslim/Liberal/etc. So, Romney's faith will surely hurt him in the primaries, making several states difficult to take. However, Mormonism will have almost no impact in the general as the most biased states will easily overlook it to avoid voting for O again.

  • Thomas Walsh - 13 years ago

    Why isn't Ron Paul on your ballot?

  • Dan - 13 years ago

    I'm very happy to finally see Gov. Romney doing well in one of these polls. I think people are finally realizing that Mitt is the best candidate to beat President Obama and it doesn't do us any good to attack him since he is probably going to be our nominee.

  • George - 13 years ago

    Where's Ron Paul ?? ;-)

  • Landon St. Peter - 13 years ago

    Strange that you'd omit the only candidate with a chance to beat Obama, Dr. Ron Paul.

  • Don - 13 years ago

    For you hecklers that won't vote for Romney because of personal reasons giving Obama another 4 years and maybe another Democrat after him, Reagan would have only one thing to say to you, "aww, shut up." It's better to elect a person who agrees with you 80% of the time than a liberal that disagrees with you 100% of the time.

  • MJS - 13 years ago

    @Doug, I agree with your assessment but don't count out Perry. I am biased as I do support him, but we need to most electable Conservative candidate.

    We're never going to get the perfect candidate, but if you look overall at the Perry record in a big state, I'm happy with that. I think the legions of new Conservatives in the House and in the Senate, along with the Tea Party will keep him in check.

    The primary process is very important and we'll see polls shift, leaders shift, etc. What Cain showed is enough of the BS between Romney and Perry, they need to come out and attack obama, explain what he's done wrong and how they would fix it. The people will choose who they think has the best overall package.

    Personally, if Romney gets the nomination, I'm staying home because he won't do a damn thing of any substance.

  • Doug - 13 years ago

    You've got to pick the person who can beat Obama. Cain is great and I wish we had his 999 plan in place, but he cannot beat Obama in a head to head race. Newt could out debate Obama by a mile, and probably Romney could as well. But sadly, neither are probably electable--Newt for his past decisions, and Romney because of the Mormon issue, even though people won't say it, hurts him among envangelicals. I wish it were not so.

    Perry's immigration and border fence positions make him unelectable with the conservatives. So we are left with Bachman, Santorum, and Hunstsman. (oh yeah, and Paul) Of those, I like Santorum best, but I think this speaks to the fact that we still don't have our real candidate.

  • Keaton - 13 years ago

    Bachman seems irrational. She talks good, reminds me of a reporter. Knowing facts and being articulate a leader does not make. Would she be better than Obama. Yes. But not real comfortable with her.. of course we all know she is not going to be the next president.

    Huntsman, Johnson and Paul are all fodder to distract from the real candidates.

    Each one has some detracting things. Perry is my pick. He speaks clearly, is strong enough to speak what he believes when it is unpopular and is his own man.

    Newt needs to be the Secretary of State or Chief of Staff whoever the next president is. He is the smartest person running and has the greatest grasp of the issues, however past decisions has disqualified him from being a real candidate.

  • Ron McClellan - 13 years ago

    Huntsman , Romney and Perry shoud be running in the Democrat party because they are RINOS and proven flip-floppers . We must have a proven , deep rooted , strong and aggressive constitutional conservative that has the spine to turn our great nation around . Anyone writing Ms . Bachmann off this early in the process is foolish . There is over 13 months until election day and she is in a great position to move to the front as soon as we weed out the pretenders in the group i.e. Huntsman , Romney and Perry . GO PRESIDENT(soon) MICHELE BACHMANN !!!

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