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Which is your least favorite Kardashian cover?


  • Trigger - 13 years ago

    They all need to get a real job and work like every one else.

  • Summer - 13 years ago

    Kim's wedding dress was beautiful but her hair... ugh... why didn't she have someone fix it for her.and why would these designers and store owners give her free products... she should be paying them to use their products... Kris the sap she married... he thinks he is going into that family and he will tell them how Kim will be and be late for meetings with the mom... wake up sap you are under mom Kris thumb now and you will be a puppet just like the others.... Poor Bruce... look how old he is looking theses days... never dreamed he would put up with the sh.. that monster dishes out and his 2 girls are growing up to disrespect him and anyone that crosses their path just as the other girls have done. Wonder if they would act this way if Daddy was around? Wish people would stop watching them.... only makes them worse and as for Robert... get out while you can before your mother gets her claws in you... I think right now even tho she pushed you into DWTS you have a cahnce to get away and live your life.
    Not one of the kids in that family know what the real world is all about or have a clue how bad
    they come across on TV. People talk about helping the poor and hungry... lets see how long they can go without a day of shopping or eating... send money to the children at your own back door that is cold, hungry and don't have a pair of shoes. Got a rude awakening whinny Kim when your sappy Kris can't take living your s and your mom's life.

  • Summer - 13 years ago

    They have done in one year... oh I take that back.. they have been on TV showing the world how nasty they can talk, Ladies I wouldn't call them that... wouldn't even call the mom a lady or a mother... what mother sells her children..... I saw the show where Kim took a e-ray of her butt... look again folks it's padded and I hate to say it but Kim looks FAT, she can do all the whinning she wants but take a good look she is short and fat.... Right now the olny that has half a brain is Kourtney and if she marrys Scott she will have lost the half of brain she has... who wants a man that drinks, fights, sleep around and Mom has to pay to stay with her daughter.

  • HIimM3 - 13 years ago

    I think all three look gorgeous. And those making rude comments, you have your opinions but if you actually take the time out to do some research on them you will find that they have done more things in a year than you would dream of doing in a lifetime... #ijs

  • Pamelapusspie - 13 years ago


  • Billy - 13 years ago

    look at these hogs... desperate for attention much? Kardashogs are disgusting.. only decent one is the son... YUP the one with at least SOME talent.

  • Tony - 13 years ago

    I think they all look great!

  • Steven - 13 years ago

    Isn't America tired of these three yet or do they enjoy being fleeced for every last cent the Kardashian's can suck out of them.

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