Do you think beer and wine should be sold in corner stores?


  • dd.c - 13 years ago

    CHEERS..lets keep making a border run and helping out OUR friends across the water... because our stupid goverment would turn there own mother in for a buck $$$$$!!!! why not sell booze in a corner store... show I.D.... BE OF AGE AND HAVE A DRINK.... STUPID CITY

  • S..BB - 13 years ago

    What is the big deal here people, why shouldn't we be able too go too a corner store and pick up a bottle of wine,beer or spirits as long as u r the drinking age,,This city suckkkkks and soooo do u!!!! Bunch of cry babies oh my god no we can't have that MADD i believe no drinking and driving yes, but selling booze in a store.. yup why notttt!!! GET A LIFEEE AND HAVE A DRINKK AND RELAXXXX .. idiots dumb think and fight about real shit happening like JOBBBBBBBSSS in this weak city were always behind in every thing city suckkks so does the cry babies get a life!!!!! help with jobs and bringing up minimum wadge !!! don't you think thats more important have a cocktail and shut up!!!! CHEERS

  • S..BB - 13 years ago

    What is the big deal here people, why shouldn't we be able too go too a corner store and pick up a bottle of wine,beer or spirits as long as u r the drinking age,,This city suckkkkks and soooo do u!!!! Bunch of cry babies oh my god no we can't have that MADD i believe no drinking and driving yes, but selling booze in a store.. yup why notttt!!! GET A LIFEEE AND HAVE A DRINKK AND RELAXXXX .. idiots dumb think and fight about real shit happening like JOBBBBBBBSSS in this weak city were always behind in every thing city suckkks so does the cry babies get a life!!!!! help with jobs and bringing up minimum wadge !!! don't you think thats more important have a cocktail and shut up!!!! CHEERS

  • Aldo Sfalcin - 13 years ago

    Another money grab attempt by greedy individuals who want to dismantle an institution that is making "the people" money. I would rather see profits from alcohol sales going to schools and other social projects than to someone's new yacht.

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