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Is it time for EMU offensive coordinator Ken Karcher to go?

Total Votes: 18
1 Comment

  • Ralph - 13 years ago

    Sometimes I get the feeling that whole atheltics program at Eastern is sitting on the edge of a crater just waiting for some Black Swan event to give it a push. I'm not sure that President Martin has the political will or even enough backing to give athletics a full review from top to bottom. There are several questions that need to answered about the Departments future - budget size, staffing levels, the number of sports, and of course winning, which is not mentioned much in strategic plans. Most of us who have watched the football program for the last 35 - 40 years know that something isn't right, we have ideas of what's needed but can't put our finger on any one issue. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy EMU Football and want to see it thrive - but there is something drastically wrong with the "culture" at Eastern that allows this crap to go on year after year (with the exception of the Harkema era). If they don't make some changes and I mean radical changes, someone else may make them for Eastern. If you're not interested in strategic planning, it's interested in you!

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