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Who is hotter - Megan Fox or Liz Taylor?


  • paprok - 13 years ago

    This is super cool. If you want to see what people are tweeting about Megan Fox, go to Wishbone and it will show you the most common tweets about her, displayed in a visual graph. Take a look at

  • Tom - 13 years ago

    Megan Fox rules. Enough said. Those who don't see that, go to the eye doctor and get some new eyes.

  • Gina - 13 years ago

    Guys, stop attacking Megan Fox. Taylor was definitely an icon in her day, but her hour of fame is over! She's dead for God's sake! If Taylor has been airbrushed like the modern stars, I don't think that any of you would “admire” her. Get lives people. Ms. Fox didn't put up this poll. And those of you who think that she is just some foul-mouthed girl, know this: she dares to speak her mind unlike other fake Hollywood stars. Stop hiding behind your computers and go get lives where you actually dare to say bad things in front of people's face. Ms. Fox has beauty. You guys are all against her because either 1)you can't even start to compare to her or 2) you can't admit to yourself that she's better than you. Get over it. Also, you guys aren't Hollywood stars. Just thought you should know.

  • susan kokan - 13 years ago

    of course Liz Taylor leads in beauty.... duh.. "NO AIR BRUSH" on her photo.. just Liz... on Megans, she looks fake... oh well, these new hollywood pic's are full of "retouched" photo's... can't tell who is who without a name at the bottom...
    "take a pic, retouch the whole thing... " what sense does that make...

  • The Real Man - 13 years ago

    You commenters are either, 1) very old, 2) very blind, or 3) very gay. Liz Taylor was a used up hag, passed around Hollywood like a screenplay. Why elevate this overacting has been to some kind of "legend" status? Megan Fox is not only prettier, and has way more sex appeal, but she will never equal the "partners" of Liz Taylor I'm sure. Since when does having a big stomach equal real woman status?

  • phillip marlow - 13 years ago

    Megan Fox is a tattooed skank who can not act! I predict she will be a has-been/never-was in a year.

  • golfdogs - 13 years ago

    Liz doesn't have all those stupid closed.

  • Utornillo - 13 years ago

    While married many times, at least Elizabeth Taylor was a lady. Megan Fox is a foul-mouthed, air brushed product of a media machine that can't act. There is no comparison.

  • american_rose - 13 years ago

    Liz Taylor. Both are beautiful in their own right, but if Liz had all that airbrushing, way it would even be CLOSE! I think Ms. Fox is lovely, but her acting is nowhere near the presence and carriage of Taylor. Also, I am SO tired of every 'hot' actress in hollywood having to do these ridiculous shoots where they 'channel' Marilyn or Taylor. It's like, can't they just be themselves? I hate the pandering to the past. It cheapens both the legends and the young starlets. Stop the comparing and BE a star in your own right if you have what it takes! Why do you have to "be the next so and so?" Just be you. If you're good, it will come through.

  • Alan - 13 years ago

    Liz is naturally better than Megan. Megan has all the modern photo tech and makeup and props that Liz never needed. Watch BUtterfield 8 and you'll agree. Megan and lots of these modern kids cheapen themselves when attempting to compare to legends like Liz Taylor.

  • Jerry - 13 years ago

    The bottom line is this - Liz Taylor didn't need to be airbrushed!

  • alan - 13 years ago

    Or watch Cat On A Hot Tin Roof and you'll find your answer.

  • jane stacey - 13 years ago

    Stars were not "a dime a dozen" in the Old Hollywood...and Elizabeth stood out among them all...without makeup (and there wasn't the makeup of that is in her favor too) she was deep. Megan , though pretty, has too many opponents today to compete with...and the acting is not the same as years ago either..again...dime a dozen! An actress who was before Liz, came close as far as true beauty, and she was Vivian Leigh, who starred in GWTW.

  • treefrog - 13 years ago

    Megan Fox is undeniably hot, but she's not even close to Liz, even in looks, much less in carriage and acting skills. Liz was an ivory goddess in her day! Her features are perfect, not freakish. And as for her presence on stage or film, one only need to watch her teenaged performance in National Velvet to see it, and at an incredibly young age. And a viewing of Taming of the Shrew shows us her unbelievable power as a woman. Somehow, Transformers just ain't the same!

  • seasideroses - 13 years ago

    megan does not compare in any way with liz taylor. Taylor was a real woman in every way, and her "gravitas" showed onscreen. Also, she appeared to be a real person, too.
    in contrast, fox is a hollow, shallow, girl trying to convince people she is a woman. but you can't hide your true character-it always betrays you.
    This is the case with many other stars such as lindsay lohan, scarlett johanson--they are girls that hollywood has tried to make look like women, but I can see right thru it, and I wish others did....

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