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How much longer should the "Occupy" protestors be allowed to stay?


  • JNagarya - 13 years ago

    When will the "independents" who vote Republican realize they are voting against their own interests?

    We got where we are by pursuing Regan's "revolution" -- which meant deregulating the preventions against another depression, in order to cut taxes on the wealthy. The Bush round of tax cuts were based upon the claim that giving the welthy tax cuts would result in "job cration". The tax cuts have been in efffect for over ten yers, there is a job shortage, and the corporations are sitting on a trillion dollars instead of craeting jobs.

    The only other employer is gov't; but the Republicans, wanting to undermine President OIbama, are deliberately undermining the economy and attempting to blame the results on the President. (Clue: Congress -- not the President -- makes the laws. The President can only sign or veto whatever Congres enacts. So blaming the President for not creating jobs is nonsense -- which relies on the uninformed to believe it.)

    Until the economy is rebalanced in favor of equity for all, the protests against the existing and posited deregulation should -- and will -- continue. YOU are the 99 per cent, even if FOX's fantasyland does everything it can to turn you against your own interests. The short of it: if you aren't welathy, not on ly will FOX not make you so, but also is not the "news" you should be watching.

    And do the math: it took Reganomics thirty years to bring us to the brink at which we stand. It will take more than one Democratic presidnet to turn it around, and restore the regulation needed to redress the balanc e.

  • Peter Blake - 13 years ago

    If the protesters had a goal, such as "We won't leave until all the 'rich people' are poor," then they can stay as long as they want. Otherwise, "we think rich people are greedy" means "we're just camping out here because we can."

  • Philip Alvarado - 13 years ago

    I find it hard to believe that most of the people would like to see the Wall Street demonstrations end, considering that 99% of the country are suffering from the effects of Wall Street, The Banks, and the big corporations that don't even pay taxes and are getting a rebate from the taxes we are paying !
    Thanks to the Bush Administrations deregulation and elimination of the of the Consumer protection Laws and regulations, and as if that wasn't enough, the republican Party is now openly trying to continue total deregulation, even if it means bringing down these United States of America and the Word Economy.

  • Mark T. - 13 years ago

    If the protesters had a permit there would be some limits on the protesters and earlier planned events would not have to be cancelled. Boston will be hit with added costs from the protesters and lost tourist revenue.

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