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If Romney Is the Nominee I Will

Total Votes: 276

  • Winn - 13 years ago

    Dick Morris does an excellent analysis of Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan. It IS revenue neutral and NO, it is not a European VAT tax. Go to to learn more.

    Herman Cain, being an outside-the-box Conservative, is the only logical choice to the "not running" Sarah Palin. He is no crony politician. Add a Conservative Republican majority in both Houses of Congress and we CAN turn this country around. Hopefully, after the 2012 elections are over, Obama! will have been just another Liberal nightmare that the country finally woke up from.

  • Audrey - 13 years ago

    Dottie, You are thinking of the VAT tax in Europe and that is NOT what Herman Cain is talking about at all. He would get rid of all other taxes and make it very difficult for Congress to vote in a higher tax. I'm not necessarily for this but I do believe you are not understanding it correctly.

  • Luisa S - 13 years ago

    In response to Dottie

    Herman Cain is a good man, but...He has not been fully vetted. Let's not jump the gun!
    There are some shady connections that smell like fish.
    Having lived in Europe I can tell you that his 999 program is scary. It can sky rocket to where we can't even buy a loaf of bread. If everything you buy jumps to 20 - 25% tax what would you buy? Your other taxes still would have to be paid...And besides it would take years to implement and change all the wheels that would take to do it.
    The best and most sensible and easy implementation program is the Sarah Palin 5 point program.

  • Dottie K - 13 years ago

    No one could be more disappointed than I am that Sarah Palin is not running now. But I'd rather slow down Romney with a conservative congress than try to slow down Obama with any means!!! A bad showing for Romney and a good showing for congress leads the way to a true conservative in 2016! But I'm gonna work like crazy to get a nominee other than Romney. Now is not the time to just take what the establishment dishes out. Get to work for Herman Cain. At least Herman has a plan to rid us of the IRS and the bureucratic nightmare of that . . . Fair Tax is on the way and we can see over the horizon a diminised bureaucracy

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