A St. John's memo questions the case for amalgamation with neighbouring communities. What do you think?


  • Jeff Loder - 13 years ago

    One time the people in Sin Johns used to go to the country (Mount Pearl) to get away from their city. Now they want it to help their financial situation. The issue should never be there it's like a big bully trying to take your lunch money. YOU will not be getting Mount Pearl so you can sook all you want we got it better here so don't think it will be given away. As for being surrounded by St. Johns SO WHAT we still have it better. So I think Mount Pearl in conjuction with Paradise should put up toll booths so the people in St. Johns would have to pay to go out of town and back again.

  • T. Sleeveen - 13 years ago

    Time for da Pearl to realize it is a backwater town. It was only 5 yearsa ago you could buy a pari of pants there!! Put up the tollbooths and increase the fees for water, sewer and garbage.

    Let the seige begin!!!

  • Travis Fridgen - 13 years ago

    Give it up St. John's. Maybe we'll start putting a toll on St. John's people who come to Mount Pearl to get their license renewed. If you want people to stay out of St. John's then go ahead, put up toll booths, we'll just stay out of your malls and shops. Who wants to be part of a city that constantly whines all the time. They can't balance their books because they spend too much, not because they are subsidizing people from Mount Pearl and Paradise, absolultely no way I'll ever be part of St. John's, the city.

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