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Are you in favour of a high-speed rail connection between Windsor and Quebec City?

Total Votes: 282

  • Dan Thrasher - 13 years ago

    yes a high speed rail to move people and goods should be from chicago to montreal and be a joint international financed project .This could be financed by at least 3 states,2 provinces and 2 federal governments plus a consortinum of private funds .

    I do believe with a multi use purpose and proper study this could make this region a manufacturing distribution base for USA and Canada. the sucess of this would allow for future expansion to the east ,south and ,eastern seaboard points .

  • Eric - 13 years ago

    I am also in favor.

    Like this story says: the study does not take into account the talks of a HS Train from Chicago to Detroit. It doesn't make sence to leave 350km of track left when they are already planning on upgrading another 1200km around it.

    Please Mr. Harper do not make this a case of Ontario stopping at Toronto

  • colleen callea - 13 years ago

    yes i am in favor of this new train i ride via rair often these trains are old out dated just last night i rode one from toronto to windsor it was terrible from chattam to windsor it sounded like there were square wheels the noise was TERRIBLE my friend who was with me had such a headache when we got to windsor we are getting a new and ugly train station but no new trains THATS CRAZY windsor is always last to get the things this city needs i know we need new trains we are a border town we need to attract people to this city as it is there is no reasone anyone would come here and this train would cut the time between windsor and toronto maybe they should use the go trains to pick up the rest of the other ciyts between windsor and toronto so it wouldnt take 4 and a half hours to get to toronto and to mr masse dont stop trying to push this through i for one will back this

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