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Do you find Ricky Gervais's use of the word 'mong' offensive?


  • Elena - 11 years ago

    Sorry about the repeats (blushes)

  • Elena - 11 years ago

    Offensive? I dunno. The truth is I don't have any experience with that disability, but I can understand why people would get hurt in the long run. Offensive? Not for me on a personal level, but wrong and potentially harmful? Probably yes. Cheap, stupid and lame? Definitely.

  • Elena - 11 years ago

    Offensive? I dunno. The truth is I don't have any experience with that disability, but I can understand why people would get hurt in the long run. Offensive? Not for me on a personal level, but wrong and potentially harmful? Probably yes. Cheap, stupid and lame? Definitely.

  • Elena - 11 years ago

    Offensive? I dunno. The truth is I don't have any experience with that disability, but I can understand why people would get hurt in the long run. Offensive? Not for me on a personal level, but wrong and potentially harmful? Probably yes. Cheap, stupid and lame? Definitely.

  • Elena - 11 years ago

    Offensive? I dunno. The truth is I don't have any experience with that disability, but I can understand why people would get hurt in the long run. Offensive? Not for me on a personal level, but wrong and potentially harmful? Probably yes. Cheap, stupid and lame? Definitely.

  • Shaun Bennion - 13 years ago

    My only Grandchild has downs, he brings so much love and hapiness to my family and all who come into contact with him. It is likely that the majority of those voting no, dont find the word mong offensive probably because they have no relationship, be it friend or family with anyone with downs. Mong is very very offensive and I come from a era that knows full well what mong means and for Gervais to say it has now changed its meaning shows him to be a very shallow little individual. Gervais is just an overated unfunny bigot who clearly believes in his own legend, I personnally find him obnoxious and arrogant and if he was to use the word mong in my presence I would take it for its true meaning and I would not be responsible for my actions. Perhaps Gervais could contact the Downs Syndrome Association and become a little more informed about downs. If he is running the London Marathon in 2012, I would love to run along side him and we can discuss the meaning of the word mong as we count up the miles. In 2012, I will be running the London Marathon for the Downs Syndrome Association just like I did in 2011.

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