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Should Dina side with Teresa or Caroline?


  • june - 12 years ago

    STOP talking bad about Teresa Giudice.
    One thing for sure...that Teresa is paying for what she did to Danielle Staub.
    Numero uno big mouth: Caroline Manzo
    she hates Teresa with passion because Giudice talks about her ''clowns'' sons in the book.
    Kathy Wakile is a joke ...with her''egg'' eyes.
    Melissa Gorga the black lady of the show she's also mean...just like Manzo.

  • ny housewife - 13 years ago

    After watching the entire reunion,It is apparent to me that Teresa Giudice has a bigger problem than her lack of intelligents. Teresa has extreme mental issue's.She was unable to comprehend anything the other Woman were trying to explain to her.Her lack of concern with the accusation's she had made against all the ladies and the way in which she idealizes her anger blows my mind. As far as a friend, She sold her Buddy Dina down the river to make herself look better.She found nothing wrong with the way her husband threaten's her brother and stated it by saying, SO WHAT. Her answer to her husband's lack of using the F word was just pushed aside.(we would be appauld and very turned off by this talk wouldnt we? She thought Gia's song was Beautiful! (I agree with caroline it was disgusting and a very serious cry for help)She showed exactly what she will do to get what she want's from life and will take everyone down who get's in her way.As for Dina Manzo, I have a whole different outlook on her since the reunion and her statement. Whether you like Caroline Manzo or you dont, That Woman continues to demonstrate the love, class and respect she has for her family. Dina also lived in her home when she divorced so that she could save some money to buy a home for her daughter and herself. Shame on Dina Manzo! Something tells me Dina will be speaking to Caroline very soon as Teresa showed her true colors. What we all know from Caroline's continuous behavior is Dina will be welcome with open arms.I come from a 100% Italian family with 4 boys and myself. If anyone of us were to say or do what Teresa has done to her brother and his wife, We would be in serious trouble. Whether your family or the inlaw, My Parent's would not tolerate 1 second of trash talking the inlaws! Bad portrayal of an Italian family from both Teresa's Mother and Father, and herself!Teresa need's very serious therapy . She is in capable of feeling happy, sad,love or hate not to mention if my husband spoke to me like joe does Teresa in front of my Parents and In laws they would break his jaw!! very vile portrayal of Italian Parent's and their Children. It is very clear to me and I would assume to everyone that Teresa's anger for her family joining the show was, The fan's would finally see who Teresa is!I wouldn't want to experience life in Teresa's shoes for 10 seconds.Respect is what a Italian family and every other nationality holds as sacred, There is not an ounce of respect from Teresa, Dad, Mom,Juicy's mom,and Dad and Teresa'a Children and what will always hold true "You are a product of your environment"
    Dina Manzo shame on you to.Both you and Teresa demonstrate many of the same ugly characteristics however, Teresa has about a 9th grade level of intelligents and you are extremely educated.

  • Deanna Khle - 13 years ago

    The only reason that Teresa is on the show is that she is such a joke! She is jealous of Melissa's intelligence, good looks, talent, and money. Melissa, Caroline, Jacquline and Kathy are all everything that she wants to be, but is short of acheiving and probably will never achieve. She is jealous of Kathy's baking and cooking abilities that come naturally, not contrived for the purpose of selling a lousy cookbook. Of which I might add I believe 90% of my friends have achieved without any effort. She could only wish to have the relationship with her neglected daughters that Caroline has already obtained with her children. And Jackie has a loving and NORMAL relationship with her husband that doesn't require any fake "the camera is running" sexual inuendos. If she would only shut that closed mindless brain and lisen to others instead of talking over them, then she just might learn something.

  • tory tom - 13 years ago


    I do not belive that anyone could side with Teresa...she is a true nut job!

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