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Lisa's scheme...

Total Votes: 234
1 Comment

  • Lorraine - 13 years ago

    I think it was thrilling and it goes to show how evil people are. That Lisa would take someone with HIV and try to inject into another person over revenge...I never once thought for once she was crazy... This is attempted murder. Just like if someone out in this world would have sex or spit or do something inappropriate to another ro infect or hurt another human bean is just the devil's work and should be punished. Bad enough for a human to be infected with this disorder then to make another suffer when they know what they are going through. So to sum it up I did not know that is what Lisa had but the story line is she was very hurt with what Patrick did to her and was paying him back it is a soap opera and it was thrilling about what she had up her sleeve. Don't do this in real life...:)

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