Which of this week's brides would be more likely to send you sprinting back up the aisle?


  • janean duarte - 13 years ago

    i love the show, but then at the same time i want to go thru my tv and beat the shit out of those bitches...i just wonder is your self-esteem so low so would marry such a dirty bitch.....Ed doesnt even care that she cheated....and she treats him like a dog....and well Daphine.....what a spolied immature bitch....if she was my daughter i would smash her in the mouth....i could not imagine talking to anyone like that....and for the maid of honor....i tell her to fuck off......

  • Christina Green - 13 years ago

    That guy with Johanne should have not shown up. He could be with anyone better than that. Cheating and doesn't even care.

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